Your mindset is a filter for the information that you consume and produce. It determines how your perceive information and it determines how your respond to the information that you consume. Having the right mindset is the greatest factor that determines your success or lack thereof.

Your mindset determines how you perceive the world at large. It acts as a filter, only allowing through that which affirms your current set of beliefs. If you want to be successful in your online efforts, you must pay close attention to your current set of beliefs and determine whether or not you need to adjust them so that your mind is constantly working for you and not against you.

Do you want to make a positive change that leads you to productivity and self-confidence?

If so, let’s take a look at some common habits that hold you back and transform them into productive ones

1. Stop Complaining and Start Taking Action

Life can be stressful, and the most common way people handle stress is to complain. However, the more we complain, the more unhappy we get. The more unhappy we get, the more we complain. We start finding other things to complain about and that negativity just continues to grow and grow and weave its way into other areas of your life.

Though it may feel good at the time, complaining sends only re-affirms your dissatisfaction and drains your energy and weakens your immune system.

Life and business will always thow you curves, but the only to move forward and get out of the rut is to take action. You have to take control. Taking control gives you an excitement and a glimpse of reality of what your life should truly be about. It reinvigorates you to be more productive and to find solutions that work for you.

2. Don’t Assume, Confirm
Everyone’s heard the old saying, “When you assume, you make an a$$ out of you and me.” When you assume, you take guesses, which takes a lot of time and energy. One should always be sure of something so that the right action can be taken.

You have to ask questions to understand the situation better. And be ready to correct those actions if necessary. For some, this may be hard to do. They feel that others may think they are stupid or incompetent. However, when you ask questions, it shows your willingness to learn and that you are wise enough to know that you need help.
To move forward, it is better to confirm than to ponder the issue by yourself and take the wrong action. Confirming makes you more confident and productive because you know what to do and aren’t guessing what to do.

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3. Don’t be the Victim. Take Responsibility in Your Life.
It is easy to put blame on people and things that are external to you. It releases you from personal responsibility. Instead of being true to yourself, you are more willing to blame your sponsor, your environment or things you associate with when you are feeling bad. It may be not be easy to admit, but the problem lies within you.

You have to admit that your reality is based on the decisions you’ve made and the actions you’ve taken. If you are not happy with the way things are, start creating a plan to change things. It takes a lot of courage and requires the willingness to face your fears, experience failure and take complete responsibility of everything that happens to you.

You have no one else but you to make things happen. After you realize that and take responsibility, things start moving forward for the better.

4. Hardest Task First, Easiest Task Last
Most people tend to work on the easiest task first. You don’t have to stress about the task because it’s fun and you can accomplish it quickly. You feel more comfortable because you don’t have to push yourself outside your comfort zone.

However, you spend the rest of your time trying to accomplish your hardest task. Or you put off the hardest task, because it’s lurking the back of your mind that you still have to do it.

On the other hand, if you take action on the hardest task first, you’ll be prouder of yourself and this will give you a boost of self-confidence. By working on and accomplishing your hardest task first, a weight is lifted. You can fully focus on the other tasks that you need to accomplish. Your mind is free from dread and you are able to become more productive.

5. Avoid negativity at all costs.

I’ve been an IT Consultant for a good part of my adult life. And I make pretty good mon.ey doing that work. I love the work but there has always been this nagging voice in the back of my head saying…” You can do more!”. Now most of my friends and family would love to live the life that I’ve lived, and think that I should just be satisfied with the success that I’ve had thus far in my life…. But that little voice, just keeps saying, “You can do more..”

As you move forward in your career online, you will undoubtedly have friends, co-workers, and family members who will tell you , “You’re wasting your time… or Just be happy with what you’ve got”. But that little voice in your head keeps talking to you… Telling you… “You can do more”

If you are going to move forward in your business, you have to reduce the negativity that you are exposed to.

This includes the negativity that comes from people that you love. I always found it hard to create when I had negative people around me. You have to understand that in many cases, those people who are telling you to “just be satisfied”, are not themselves satisfied, but unlike you, they don’t want to take action to change their lives. And your action is like holding a mirror up to them and showing them that.

So if you can’t bring their level of energy up to yours, then you are going to either have to sacrifice your dream or your friendship/relationship.

I know that sounds rough, but there it is.

Also when it comes to eliminating negativity from your life, that also includes any other source of negativity…

Music ( 99% of Rap music for instance is just pure mind poison ),

Politics – we live in a world where what was once thought to be deplorable behavior and rhetoric is now acceptable to many

The News – In most cases, you can’t do anything to change the larger world around you, so don’t allow it to seep into and poison your inner world.

Guard your mind and your mindset as though it is your greatest treasure, because it is.

One of my favorite philosophers was a man by the name of Timothy Leary, and he used to say “The mind is created to create realities”.

But the thing is that what your mind creates is solely determined by what you think and believe.

I know people who have a million things to be happy about, but all that they see is the negativity in their lives, and as a result,

they are constantly unhappy and in a state of distress…

Your Mind is created to create your reality,

My question to you is…

What will You Create Today?

To Our Unlimited Success!

P.S. Want to make money online? Click here to get my 100% Free Course and learn How ANYONE Can Launch the #1 Beginner Friendly Online Business from Home!!

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