10 Do’s and Don’ts of Online Network Marketing – 5 Do’s

10 Do’s and Don’ts of Online Network Marketing – 5 Do’s

In my last article, I shared with you 5 Dont’s of online marketing. ?In this article I am going to share with you 5 that you should Online to promote your Network Marketing business.


5 Do’s Of Online Network Marketing

1. Focus on?Your Audience
Do's and Don'ts of network marketing

The first thing that you to do is to figure out is who your target audience is. Who, specifically, could benefit from your products and your business? And no, the answer is not “everyone”.

If you can zero in on one specific audience, then you can focus on them. Find out what their needs and desires are, what problems are they struggling with that your products or business solves? Find those problems and solve them.
And here’s a hint to keep in mind when you’re posting on social media: If you are ending your videos or posts with an opportunity link or telling people to “join you”, then you are not focusing on them.?
Once you know who your target market is who would essentially benefit from your products, then you are all set to…?

2. Lead With Value

yellow smiley face amidst blue smileys

Start by solving problems. When you start solving problems that your target market is having, then you will build trust and authority with that audience. And you know what? People are more likely to buy from people that they know, like and trust.
This is how you build relationships with your prospects online.
So before you start selling, make a list of topics, problems, and trainings that line up with the products or service that you sell and provide valuable education first.
As you do this, your audience will come to see you as a trusted authority and they will be much, much more likely to do business with you.
This method of leading with value will also make you stand out above the noise of everyone just trying to sell products and pitch their business.

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3. DO Mix Up Your Content (Content, Relationship, Promotion)

08-do-mix-up-your-contentThere are three types of posts that you should be making on the various platforms that you use.

  1. Content Posts
  2. Relationship posts
  3. Promotional posts
  • Content Posts are your ?How to? advices and tips in relation to your business. So for example you?re promoting a skin-care or healthcare product then you should be writing articles about ?X Ways How to Have Brighter Skin? or ?10 Things You Didn?t Know About Glutathione?. These types of articles establish your authority as a leader, expert- someone to trust regarding your products.
  • Relationship Posts are articles about YOU. This could be something you?re personally excited about, a success story, a rant, a life event, etc. These posts may seem very random but they serve the purpose of creating more REAL connection with your audience. This builds up your relationship with them because they see your life outside the business. They get to see you as a person.
  • Lastly, Promotional Posts are where you will be featuring the benefits of your business opportunity or your products. This is where you?ll ?cash-in? on the relationship you?ve built.

4. DO Share Other People?s Content

Writing all of your own content can get really tiring. So a quick fix for that is to repost, share or just comment on other people?s existing content! So aside from saving time, you also get to demonstrate to your viewer that you are well-informed of other people?s work in the industry as well.

5. Engage with Your Audience.

get social dos and dont of online marketingThe whole point of social media is to be social. As a network marketer who is interested in building your business and brand online you should spend time each and everyday to build relationships with your audience. Like their posts, Make comments. Wish them a happy birthday. Thank them for commenting and liking your posts. Remember people really generally don’t visit social media sites to be sold stuff. They are there to be social, to be entertained and to be informed. You should make a conscious
effort to engage with your audience everyday

So There You Have it, 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Online Network Marketing.

These are just a few things that you can do to improve your internet network marketing efforts. ?To Learn more about online network marketing enroll in my FREE Attraction Marketing Bootcamp.

Do You Have What it Takes To Become an MLM Leader?

Do You Have What it Takes To Become an MLM Leader?

So you want to become an MLM Leader? ?How did MLM Leaders get to where they are now?

become an mlm leaderDo MLM leaders know something that you don’t?

Are there insider secrets only top producers know and, if so , how are you able to learn these techniques?

News?Flash: MLM leaders do not have?hidden?secrets that they share inside a clandestine order of other MLM leaders.

What they have in common is how they’ve got to where they are now.

How did they get to be Where they are Right now?


An MLM Leader Treats Their Business Like a Business

First, they treat their business like a business.

They don’t consider their business to be a hobby?or something that they joined on an impulse. They treat their new business like a million dollar?investment, even it if cost only $500 to start.

They’re entrepreneurs. Plain and simple. And the secret is they’re are stalwart, insistent and they don’t give up.

These entrepreneurs start their businesses?with a plan in mind. They set out with an obvious goal and they work steadily towards that goal. Their goals are pragmatic, they know that setting unrealistic goals can only end in disappointment and failure.

They are tenacious and work really hard and do whatever is critical to achieve the success they need.

Building a profitable internet mlm?business can take ages and while these top producers could have tried dozens of other techniques of making profits and lost their shirts several times, they knew that if they could find just the proper thing for them, they could make it.

So they endured. In spite of the odds. In spite of the setbacks.

They work hard. Although they technically work from home, a lot of them spend large portions of their lives in hotel rooms, on the road or in the air. Many entrepreneurs may imply that they are not doing much, but even while they are s1eeping they’re thinking about methods to better promote their businesses.

MLM leaders understand sponsoring and hiring is the only true profit generating activity in the internet marketing arena so they spend 80 to 90 of the time they have available to work in their business sponsoring and hiring.

Consider it. You just get paid to move product, and the best way to move a large amount of product is to have a large amount of active distributors both consuming the products autoship and promoting the products.

Have you got what’s needed to become an MLM leader? Naturally I do you assert. But think about that.

Do you have the tenacity to invest your time and spend maybe 5 years creating a business? Are you dedicated enough to commit your time every day toward promoting and moving your business forward?

So what’s your ultimate target? Have you got any goals? Have you written down a business plan? Have you thought about how you’re going to grow?your business and also train lots of folks who will in effect follow?your plan?as a leader.

What will happen?if the company you’ve chosen to work for suddenly goes into Chapter 11? Have you thought about what you’ll do then?

The true MLM leader will build a success business irrespective of what. Failure is simply not a choice they entertain.

They target selling. They focus on presenting their opportunity new prospects on a daily, consistently over an extended period.

They focus to become?the mlm leader that people?are looking out for and actually lead their team members to success.

Have you got that powerful desire to be successful? ?If not, what will you need to do to develop it?

MLM Lead Generation – 5 Tips to Getting More Leads

MLM Lead Generation – 5 Tips to Getting More Leads

As you know, mlm lead generation is the one aspect of your business that drives everything else and as far as key indicators for your business performance is only second to sales ( which of course are driven by leads and prospects ). Some people think that they should go out and buy mlm leads. I believe that in most cases, this is just a waste of good money. Below I’ve provided you with 5 tips that will help you generate more leads for your business.

1. Become an Expert in MLM Lead Generation Focusing on one Tactic

Regardless of the platform that you choose to use, you have to know yourself and play to your strengths, not your weaknesses. If you are trying to generate leads online, and you are not good at or don’t like to write, blogging and article marketing would not be the best tactics to employ. If you don’t like being in front of the camera, then you shouldn’t make videos that require you to show your pearly whites. However, you still can create slides and present the slides via a video.

Ultimately your first task is to determine what your are good at and DO THAT ONE THING, until you have mastered it. If you like socializing on Facebook, then use Facebook. If you like Instagram, then become the Lord Of Instagram. But pick one strategy and master that one strategy.  Learn how to “Just say NO!” to any other traffic strategies until you are able to consistently generate 10-20 leads each day from that one strategy..

Pick a medium, get yourself out there and start providing value and getting exposure!

2. Give a Call To Action

 You have to tell people what to do next, other wise they will just click on to the next page and leave your site forever.   So always give a strong Call To Action.

If you are blogging, the last item in your blog entry should be a direction telling your readers what to do next. “Call Me”, “Click Below”, “Subscribe”… etc, etc.  This holds true regardless of the media that you are using to get your message across.  If you are creating youtube videos then tell them to “like, comment and subscribe.”  It is up to you to direct your audience to “what’s next”.

network marketing lead generation


3. Provide Value

Provide service and Value…. Once you’ve got viewers, readers, etc… Find out what they are struggling with, if it’s lead generation, then become the trusted advisor that can help them solve that problem. If they are dealing with weight loss issues and you have a product that can help them solve this issue, present it to them… If not, point them into the direction of the solution. By becoming familiar with the problems that your audience faces, you begin to build rapport with them, and start building the “Know-Like-Trust” factor that is necessary when it comes to selling anything.

4. Offer Free Training to Increase MLM Lead Generation

Offer your audience free training. If, again, for instance, your audience is dealing doesn’t know what capture pages or autoresponders are, then provide them with free training ( ebooks, free videos, etc. ) That provide them with the answers that they are seeking. In this way you further build trust and rapport.

5. Follow Up and Close

Finally, always, always, always, follow-up and close. This is were the rubber meets the road.  Follow up leads to sales. Sales is the blood of your business and you must follow-up and close them on your products/services.

If you follow these basic steps you will lay down a successful business that you can be proud of.

If you are still struggling with generating leads and sales for your  business and need help, CLICK HERE to get access to this FREE 5 Day Lead Generation Challenge where you will learn

  • 4 questions to get clear on who your dream prospects really are so you can attract ready-to-buy customers.
  • 9-part power formula to uncover their problems & fears so you can clarify your marketing to make money.
  • The secret formula to clearly define how you solve their problems so you can easily close & get paid today.
  • How to build a congruent social profile to get leads, sales & sign-ups rejection free!
  • 5 social ‘buckets’ that allow you to speak to the heart of your new clearly defined audience and recruit like crazy.

So CLICK HERE and join this Free challenge right now!

5 Reasons Why You Should be Investing in Personal Development

5 Reasons Why You Should be Investing in Personal Development

Investing in personal development is one of the most important things that you can do to insure your success. Unfortunately many fail to make those investments and as a result continually fail to achieve the success that they are looking for.

Back when I was a young Karate student, I had the opportunity to travel to Romania to assist my Sensei (teacher) during a week long boot camp that he was giving to a group of students there. We drove from Wiesbaden Germany to Romania, a trip that took about 18 hours. As we drove we obviously had tons of time to talk, and my Sensei being the wise old man that he was had tons of wisdom to pass on. Somewhere along the road in Hungary, he began telling us that he taught Karate, not for the additional income that it generated for him, but for a sheer love of the art. But he went on to tell us that he had realized that he had to charge for his classes because people in general just don’t value what they receive for free. He explained that people would either not show up to class or not give the proper respect to the training hall if they were allowed to attend class without them having made some sort of sacrifice.

Now as an internet marketing coach and also as a Karate instructor, I realize the truth of what my Sensei passed on to me all those years ago. As a marketer, I constantly run into people who think that internet marketing/multi-level marketing is get rich quick – That they won’t have to make the necessary investment of time and money into their business.  I’m here to tell you that you MUST learn to invest in yourself and your personal development if you truly want success.

5 Reasons why you must invest in your personal development

1. You will Increase Your Value in the Market Place

Every dollar and every minute that you invest in yourself will increase your value to the market.  As you invest your time and money into training courses and coaching,  You will increase your knowledge and therefore your value to those who have not yet made those same investments.  Think of it this way, one of the reasons that doctors and lawyers command higher than average salaries is due to the fact that they have invested 100s of thousands of dollars and, in some cases, decades into their education.  The more that you learn, the more that you have to offer those that you serve in your business and the more that you can earn for your products and services


2. You will Increase Your Self Confidence

Back when I was in high school, I was ( and still am )  a bit of a nerd.  I did well academically.  Well enough that I received a scholarship to the Naval Academy.  But boy, when I got there, I found that I wasn’t as smart or educated as I had thought.  Those kids were running circles around me.  One of my best friends was, as a freshman in college, taking differential calculus while I was taking college algebra. I received my first F’s ever and was really not sure that I belonged there, however, after putting in the time and effort, I was able to bring my grades up and actually was able to get A’s in most of my classes.  The experience of having put in the hours ( sacrifice ) and having gone from F’s to A’s definitely served to help me recover my confidence.  As you increase your knowledge, your confidence will grow as well.

3. By Investing In Personal Development You Will Begin to See New Opportunities

The more that you expand your mind and increase your skill set, the more that you will begin to realize that there are many opportunities for creating income, happiness and abundance in your mind.   Your mind is like a vessel that expands as you pour experience and knowledge into it.  The more that you learn, the more that you can learn.  By investing in personal development, you will expand your mind and as a result your capacity to see new possibilities and opportunities.

4. You will appreciate the value of the Investment

This goes back to what my Sensei was speaking of.  If I were to give you a $3000 coaching session and only charged you $1 for it.  You would value it as being only worth $1.  And as a result, you would not put in the time and effort that is appropriate.  However, if you had to pay $3000 for the coaching sessions, that $3000 actually represents a number of hours that you have already sacrificed, and as such you would have some “skin” in the game and would give the appropriate amount of attention and time that the coaching deserved.  It has been said that many lottery winners go broke in just a few years after winning millions of dollars.  This is partly due to the fact that they got something for nothing.  They don’t value the money because they didn’t work for it – didn’t sacrifice for it. By investing in personal development you will give that investment the care and respect that it deserves because it actually represents a portion of your life that you have sacrificed for it.

5. By Investing In Personal Development You Will be Able to Get others to invest in you.

By investing in personal development and in your business, you will position yourself as a leader and others will be attracted to you and will invest their time and money to help you succeed in your business. There are tons of people out there waiting for you to show them the way, but you must have developed yourself to the point that you are 2-3 steps ahead of your prospective customers, clients and team members, before they will be willing to invest in you.  By investing in your personal development, you become a lighthouse that people far and wide will flock to for guidance.

I personally invest in courses and coaching regularly and have had met people who currently earn millions each year, but still spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in their own personal development.  If you want to “be like Mike”  you’ve got to act like Mike. These people continually invest in themselves because they realize that it is the best investment that they will ever make.  They consistently invest both their time and money in courses, classes, mentorships and coaching – Shouldn’t you be doing the same?

Do MLMs Really Work?

Do MLMs Really Work?

do mlm workBack when I started my journey into the Network Marketing profession. ?I attended a meeting at a well known and highly profitable Multi-level marketing company. ?I listened for an hour as the speakers of the evening gave their pitch. ?I bought in to it and decided to sign up. ?That night, I met my recruiter’s sponsors and found that they had been in the business for over ten years and were barely managing to stay afloat in the business. ? ?This gave me cause for pause. ?I thought, “I believe in the model, but I don’t know if I want to follow people who are still struggling in the business for over 10 years.” Ultimately, I didn’t have faith in the leaders of that team to teach me how to make the business work so I left that company. ?Did that MLM really work? ?Yes, it is a multi-billion dollar company. ?But those distributors didn’t work the business.

Now that I am actively involved in an MLM and am recruiting people into my business, many people ask ?me “do MLM’s really work?”

I understand that there is a great deal of skepticism out there around the network marketing profession. ?And a lot of it is due to the unprofessional behavior that many network marketers have become infamous for. People call MLM a pyramid scheme because of their association with some unscrupulous schemers that were out there. But to understand why MLMs really work you have to understand what an MLM is.


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When you turn on your television, or radio, or these days even watch a youtube video, you are bombarded with sales pitches from multiple businesses. These businesses have products to sell and they try to get them in front of as many people as they can. This is how companies like Coke, Walmart, and Levis distribute their product… Through direct sales messages. These companies spend billions of dollars in advertising via the different media do mlms workchannels that are available to them, including internet marketing and Multi-Level Marketing.

Multi-level marketing is just another form of advertising the goods and services of a particular company. The only difference is that Multi-level marketing companies choose to spend their ?advertising dollars on the word-of-mouth advertising of its independent distributors. ?So instead of spending billions of dollars on TV ads, MLM companies provide people like yourself to earn a substantial income by sharing and promoting its products and services directly through your personal social networks.

Now in all honesty, there are a couple?of the problems that I have seen in some MLM companies

  1. ?All too often they are promoted as get rich quick schemes by overly eager distributors.
  2. The products are sometimes over-priced for the market
  3. In too many companies, the companies sales are not dependent on direct sales to the public but to the distributors of the products

First of all, let me be clear, MLM is direct sales. Period. ?And the profit potential in MLM?is greater than in any other profession – hands down. ?But it requires hard work and time to develop your skill, but, ?As Tom Hopkins said, “Sales is the highest paid hard work – and the lowest paid easy work.” ?MLM is?sales anDo MLM's really workd not everyone is cut out for it.

Second. ?When considering to join a MLM company. ?Take a look at their products and the prices. ?Are the quality and prices of the product comparable to what is available in the marketplace? ?If not, do not join that company.

And lastly, ?when you consider joining an Network Marketing company, determine by speaking with your recruiters whether or not you are required to purchase more product than you believe you will ever be able to sell. ?Remember, you are in direct sales, and if you can’t move product, then you are going to be stuck with a dream and a garage full of soap, or whatever product the MLM distributes. ?You should look for companies that don’t require you to be recruiter in order to earn income. ?Your income should come from sales of the products to the public and not from the purchase of products by your downline. Obviously the more distributors that you have on your team the better, but your team members should be able to move product through direct sales to the public in general.

I consider myself to be relatively ethical. ?I want to be able to sleep at night and to be able to look at myself in the mirror and say that I am actually helping people by sharing my business opportunity. ?That’s why I like the companies that I am involved in. ?They allow me to help other people build substantial incomes for themselves without necessarily ?burdening them the requirement to become a ?recruiter. ?In fact, I like being able to tell my customers that if they follow my training they will be in profit mode within a month or less.

So, in answer to the question, “Do MLM’s really work?”, the answer is yes… ?But only if you work it!

If you’d like to see how I earn a full time income while working part-time from home Click Here!

Email Marketing Tips: Convert Potentials into Product Evangelizers

Email Marketing Tips: Convert Potentials into Product Evangelizers

effective email marketingEmail marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business. ?Electronic mail, or commonly known as email, is one of the popular methods of modern communications. Through the email services, you will be able to compose, send, store, and receive messages over recognized electronic communication system. Moreover, it also allows you to attach computer-related files (computer files such as images and audio entries as well as word documents and computer-generated spreadsheet) to your email messages, making it an effective tool in exchange of information on the Internet. The use of email is not just ideal for personal purposes but for business purposes as well.

Email Marketing Widely Used

Speaking of business purposes, do you know that email is one of the popular promotional tools used on Internet marketing? According to the study conducted by the Winterberry Group, a consulting firm that works on marketing services, direct marketing, and marketing technology of online-based companies, email marketing?yields an average of $15.50 return of investment for every dollar spent. It is equivalent to a 17 percent return of investment than the conventional mail campaigns and 73 percent more than telemarketing campaigns.

In other words, the study shows that email marketing?is not just a popular promotional tool but also a cost-effective strategy on Internet marketing businesses. Through sending out at least a single email newsletter to interested individuals, you will be able to build your subscriber base that will be your primary source of web traffic and revenues. With every dollar that you will spend on sending out email newsletters, you will save substantial amounts of money from acquiring prospects and clients.

Sending relevant email communications to various individuals who requested for such information is the most effective way of establishing a relationship with him and later turns him into your clients and your clients into long-term product evangelizers.

To achieve your goal of earning substantial amounts of money on your Internet marketing business, you decide to adopt the email narketing?method and start sending out several newsletters to your present clients and prospects. However, there are important rules that you need to follow in email? marketing?that will increase your chances of achieving all your marketing objectives, whether to increase repeated orders, convert attracted web traffic into long-term clients, or obtain high quality of branding awareness.

So what are the rules? First, send email correspondence to individuals who have requested it. For instance, you are into an affiliate program wherein you are tasked to endorse a merchant?s website pertaining to travel and adventure planning. When someone subscribed to your email newsletter, do not move them over to your affiliate?s vacation list and instead send them email containing articles on various ways of how they can enjoy traveling in this particular place. It would be better that you send him monthly email newsletters with regularly-updated information on other topics, but do not mix your newsletter bases just because you want to increase your mailing volume. Remember that sending out-of-topic email newsletters will just be the ground of losing your present and potential clients later on.

The second rule that you need to follow when you prefer email marketing?for your internet marketing business is to be consistent with the frequency of email newsletters sent. Depending on the kind of Internet marketing business you are into as well as your subscriber?s level of interest, the appropriate volume for you could be weekly or monthly. Once you have found the appropriate email sending frequency to your subscribers, stick with it. You will be able to attract more potential clients since they know when they can expect to receive a fresh email newsletter from you.

Aside from the aforementioned rules in email marketing, there are various considerations as well so that you will be able to get more potential clients for your Internet marketing business. These are as follows:

  1. If you have your mailing list, you must have an auto responder service. This will send email newsletters to your mailing list on a regular basis without any human intervention.
  2. Aside from the auto responder service, you must also include opt-in forms on your site for individuals who wish to add their names to your mailing list. The auto responder company will provide an HTML code that would be pasted into your site.
  3. Use the auto responder service?s tracking system to identify which of your email newsletters are opened by your subscribers and lead to additional web traffic to your site.

By following the rules and considerations in email?marketing, you will be able to achieve your marketing goals and succeed in your Internet marketing business.

Does My Lead System Pro Work?


my lead system pro review

Let me ask you

How would your businesses and finances, life be different if your phone rang off the hook every day with people who were seriously interested in paying you to join MLSP or your primary mlm program?
Seriously. How would your life be different?
Would you be living in the same house?

Would you be driving the same car?

Would your children be going to the same school?

Dare to dream again because? if you are serious enough to stop making excuses and start making progress towards taking your business to the next level? incredible things are right around the corner. <insert Video>

My Lead System Pro Explained

MyLeadSystemPro is nothing more than a highly optimized ?funded proposal? online system popularized by Mike Dillard in his book Magnetic Sponsoring.Here?s the concept in a nutshell?To build a profitable network marketing business boils down to doing three things well:
Connect with people you know and people you don?t know,

Guide them to a simple presentation about your products and opportunity, and

Follow up to collect a decision.

That?s it. That?s where all the BIG MONEY is in network marketing ? sponsoring and recruiting.The challenge is EVERYONE ? me, you, and everyone on your team? will eventually blow through their warm market. We will all eventually present our opportunity to everyone we know ? family, friends and co-workers. So now what? Now what do we do? Listen?

We have to learn how to connect with people we don?t know!
So we can buy leads and pick up the phone, approach strangers on the street, spend a fortune on ads that may or may not work, do home meetings and conduct meetup groups? we can spam Facebook or Twitter? or even buy into a generic business opportunity lead system and attempt to promote that via drop cards, handing out magazines or run even more ads.Now don?t get me wrong? ALL OF THOSE THINGS WORK? but not for everyone. Because we either don?t have time, the skill or the money to pull it off. Plus, LEADING WITH YOUR OPPORTUNITY puts in direct competition with literally MILLIONS of other people who are also convinced their products, company and comp plan is the way to go. So it works, but it?s a tough market.

MyLeadSystemPro.com Attraction Marketing

What makes the My Lead System Pro program different is it is designed to attract other FRUSTRATED NETWORK MARKETERS who have also run out of warm market contacts ? and are now seriously looking for the answer to the ?Now what do I do?? question.So you now LEAD WITH a proven tool designed exclusively for network marketers by network marketers ? and attract those who have already proven they are serious about building a real business. And here?s the real magic?

You GET PAID even if this new prospect never joins your primary network marketing business!
Think about that.Instead of spending your hard-earned money chasing down tire-kicker, broke, unemployed LEADS? you know get paid to attract the PERFECT PROSPECT for your business. ?And many of them will join your team later because the My Lead System Pro system is designed to brand you as the leader people are looking for. Make sense?

My Lead System Pro Review ? 1st 90 Days

In my first 90 days with myleadsystempro I spent about an hour and a half a day, 3-4 days a week, doing article marketing. I have a complete, step-by-step article marketing bootcamp (5 hours of video instruction) that I give everyone on my team so you can duplicate exactly what I did and still do.

The results started off pretty slow. At the end of our first month we had generated about 100 leads and had earned a few hundred dollars. I didn?t sign up anyone in my primary business.But by the end of our first 90 days? we had generated over 800 leads, earned over $4,000 in miscellaneous affiliate commission, increased our monthly MLSP check to over $1,400 a month AND had sponsored FOUR new distributors into our primary business.

Now it?s been a little over five months and we?ve done well over 2,200 leads? have earned THOUSANDS? earn THOUSANDS monthly? and consistently sponsor new people into our business.

What?s the bottom line?

My Lead System Pro is a great program to help you generate leads on demand, earn multiple streams of income and sponsor more people into your primary business. But it?s not a turnkey solution. YOU must get in, get busy and learn how to master INTERNET MARKETING so you can effectively promote the MLSP program. Because without traffic your new web site and marketing funnel? nothing happens. Without traffic you?ll get no leads.

Without leads you?ll earn no money and sign no one up. Leads are the name of the game here? and traffic is necessary to start the lead flow.So what?s next?Click the link above and go opt in to learn more. ?Check out my 14 minute ?How to Build a Level 4 Business Fast? video and then spend some time learning more about the kick-butt my lead system pro system.

The magic behind the incredible MLSP success stories is the amazing training made available by some of the most well-known, most accomplished internet marketers in the world.

Sign up, set it up, and then learn from the best marketers in the world. Copy them. Follow the instructions. Dig deep and work through the learning curve.

Then apply what you have learned and take action. Massive marketing action.

And, you too, can watch the magic happen. Guaranteed!

Using Forums and Blogs to Generate Free MLM Leads

Using Forums and Blogs to Generate Free MLM Leads

Are you looking for a way to get free MLM leads?  Are you tired of conventional lead generation methods burning a hole in your pocket without delivering the results you crave? Well, get ready to embark on a thrilling journey that will revolutionize your approach to acquiring MLM leads! We’re about to spill the beans on an untapped gold mine – blog and forum commenting!

Picture this: a world where you can effortlessly connect with your dream audience, showcase your expertise, and watch a steady stream of leads knocking at your virtual door, all without spending a single penny on ads. Sounds like a pipedream, right? Think again!

In this energizing guide, we’ll walk hand in hand, unveiling the powerful art of blog and forum commenting that’ll supercharge your MLM business like never before. No more playing small – it’s time to step into the spotlight and unleash the lead generation powerhouse within you.

So,  grab your notepad, and let’s dive headfirst into the world of blog and forum commenting. It’s time to rise above the ordinary and embrace a brighter, more prosperous future filled with free MLM leads. Are you ready to take on this electrifying adventure? Let’s do this!

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction: Are You Ready to Unleash a Goldmine of Free MLM Leads through Blog and Forum Commenting?
    • Embrace the power of blog and forum commenting for lead generation success.
  2. Finding the Gold Mines: Identifying Target Blogs and Forums
    • Discover the perfect platforms to connect with your dream audience.
    • The importance of niche relevance and active communities.
    • Seek out high-traffic sites with authority and credibility.
  3. Making Your Mark: Crafting Impactful Comments
    • Leave a lasting impression with a personal touch in your comments.
    • Provide value-driven insights to showcase your expertise.
    • Spark conversations and engage with readers authentically.
    • Mastering the art of tone and language for a friendly approach.
  4. The Power of Link Dropping: Strategically Placing Your URLs
    • Drive traffic and leads by dropping your URLs strategically.
    • Context matters: How to ensure your links fit naturally.
    • Using anchor text to entice readers to click on your URLs.
    • Link dropping dos and don’ts – avoiding spammy practices.
  5. Engage and Connect: Building Rapport with Potential Leads
    • Two-way communication is the key to building relationships.
    • Respond promptly and graciously to comments directed at you.
    • Follow-up on discussions to nurture meaningful connections.
    • Be supportive and encouraging to foster a positive community.
  6. FAQs: Clarifying Doubts and Concerns
    • Get answers to common questions on blog and forum commenting.
    • Understanding the effectiveness of this lead generation strategy.
    • Etiquettes and guidelines to follow while commenting.
    • Balancing self-promotion with authentic engagement.
  7. Conclusion
    • Embrace the journey of blog and forum commenting for free MLM leads.
    • Recap the power of authentic interactions and meaningful connections.
    • Celebrate the endless possibilities for your MLM business with this strategy.


Finding the Gold Mines: Identifying Target Blogs and Forums

Let’s kick things off by discovering the treasure troves where your potential leads are waiting!Using Forums and Blogs to Generate Free MLM Leads Infograph is the first step towards a successful commenting strategy:

  1. Niche Relevance: Your search begins with blogs and forums that resonate with your MLM niche. Look for platforms that align with the products or services you offer.
  2. Active Communities: Aim for blogs and forums buzzing with activity and engagement. You want your comments to be noticed and make an impact.
  3. High Traffic Sites: Seek out blogs with a steady flow of visitors. More eyeballs mean more chances to attract potential leads.
  4. Authority and Credibility: Partner with reputable blogs and forums known for their authority within your industry. Associating your MLM business with trusted platforms enhances your credibility.

Making Your Mark: Crafting Impactful Comments

Now that you’ve found your target platforms, it’s time to make your presence felt with impactful comments. Here’s how to leave a lasting impression on readers:

  1. Personal Touch: Create a connection by addressing the author or commenter by name. Stand out from the crowd by avoiding generic greetings!
  2. Value-Driven: Share valuable insights, tips, or personal experiences in your comments. Providing value establishes you as an expert and attracts readers to your profile.
  3. Spark Conversations: Engage in meaningful discussions by asking questions and encouraging others to share their opinions. Your willingness to interact showcases your expertise and approachability.
  4. Mind Your Tone: Keep it friendly and approachable. People are more likely to respond to comments that feel warm and genuine, not pushy sales pitches.

The Power of Link Dropping: Strategically Placing Your URLs

Time to talk about the art of link dropping! Strategically placing your MLM website or landing page URLs in your comments can drive traffic and leads. But remember, subtlety is the name of the game:

  1. Context Matters: Ensure your URL fits naturally with the blog post or forum thread. Spammy or irrelevant links can backfire.
  2. Anchor Text: Use anchor text that seamlessly blends with your comment. It should flow naturally and encourage readers to click on your link.
  3. Don’t Overdo It: Less is more when it comes to link dropping. A couple of well-placed links are more effective than bombarding readers with multiple URLs.
  4. Signature Links: Some forums allow signature links below your comments. Utilize this feature to direct readers to your MLM website or blog.

Engage and Connect: Building Rapport with Potential Leads

Remember, blog and forum commenting is a two-way street. Engaging with other commenters and forum members is vital to building rapport and expanding your network and getting free mlm leads. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  1. Respond Promptly: Timely replies show that you value interactions. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address queries or concerns politely.
  2. Follow-Up: Keep track of the discussions you’re part of. Return to those threads to follow up on conversations and engage with new comments.
  3. Be Supportive: Offer encouragement and support to fellow commenters. Being a helpful and positive community member can attract potential leads.
  4. Network Thoughtfully: Reach out to other bloggers or forum members via private messages or emails. Building deeper connections can lead to fruitful collaborations.

FAQs: Clarifying Doubts and Concerns

Q1. Is blog and forum commenting truly effective for generating free MLM leads? Absolutely! Blog and forum commenting allows you to engage directly with your target audience and position yourself as a credible figure within your niche. Providing valuable insights and fostering conversations naturally attracts potential leads to your MLM business.

Q2. How many comments should I post per day? Focus on quality over quantity. Aim for a few impactful comments daily, ones that add value and resonate with readers, rather than flooding platforms with superficial remarks.

Q3. Are there any specific etiquettes to follow while commenting? Certainly! Always be respectful, avoid heated debates, and steer clear of offensive language. Your comments should contribute positively to the discussion at hand.

Q4. Can I use blog and forum commenting to promote my MLM products directly? While mentioning your MLM business when relevant is essential, avoid aggressive self-promotion. Focus on building relationships and trust, allowing your expertise to shine through your comments.

Q5. How long before I can see results from blog and forum commenting? Patience is key. Significant results may take time, but the effort invested in blog and forum commenting will pay off as your reputation grows and leads steadily flow in.


Congratulations! You’re now equipped with the authoritative yet conversational approach to acquiring free MLM leads through blog and forum commenting. Remember, success in this venture comes from providing value, engaging thoughtfully, and building genuine connections with your audience.

Step into a world of endless possibilities, where every comment becomes an opportunity to attract and convert leads effortlessly. Embrace the power of blog and forum commenting, and watch your network marketing journey soar to new heights! Happy commenting, and may your MLM dreams become a reality!

Can I Make Money With A MLM Home Based Business?

Can I Make Money With A MLM Home Based Business?

Everyday thousands?of people decide to start their own ?MLM home based businesses. The start-up costs when compared to traditional businesses are very low, there’s not too much risk concerned, and the business model has been proven to work well.

MLM Home Based Business – the Hard Facts

If you want to know?the hard facts about MLM, you should know that there are a large number of factors to consider when setting out to start a MLM home based business.
If anybody tells you that starting a business is easy, he/she has either never had a business himself or he has forgotten the long hours it takes to start a successful business.

It is so easy for folks who have been running their own multilevel marketing businesses for years to forget exactly how much work is involved, so before you write that check and sign anything, you should be aware of a number of facts.

There are only approximately thirty MLM corporations which have been around for more than about ten years. There is totally nothing wrong with the business model as these thirty or so companies have proven – the ones that failed simply didn’t set up their businesses properly at the start.

There are two main reasons these companies folded.

First, their products/services weren’t as desirable or profitable as they thought they would be , or second, their compensation plan sucked.

Before Starting a MLM Home Based Business Do your Homework!

Before you start any MLM home based business you need to inspect the company’s compensation plan thoroughly. Understand it thoroughly and ask questions. Understand the system that they use. Many compensation plan systems have names like matrix, Australian one up, and binary, so be certain that you understand precisely what these mean.

Inspect the product/service offerings . Ask questions and investigate whether it is well publicized, and determine if the products and services are of top quality and not something that might be bought less expensive from a local store. Will people want to purchase the product in 10 years time? If they don’t, then the product and your business will both disappear.

Do your required groundwork and find out by going online precisely what others say about the company. Don’t forget that the majority of complaints will be from angry distributors who did not put enough effort into their business – turnover is unusually high in the MLM business mainly because folk expect too much from doing a bit too little.

Can I Make Money With A MLM Home Based Business 2 6

MLM Home Based Business  – The Facts

As with any business, building a profitable MLM home based business will take time, a lot of effort and great deal of commitment. Don’t dash into any MLM opportunity without doing considerable research first.

It’s also essential that you have business plan, which should ideally include a sales and marketing plan, one for the product and one promoting your opportunity even before signing that check. There are 2 ways to make money in MLM promoting, one is to sell product the other is to recruit others to do exactly the same as you.

Have you considered?whether you will invest your time and money on recruiting or sales or both?

You should completely understand what’s required to create a continuous stream of qualified leads so that you can promote both of your product and opportunity. Online promotion is popular and efficient, but do you know the how to build a website and how to market online?

Do you know how to push traffic to your website?

What type of advertising will you do, will you run your own adverts, or join in a team advertising cooperative?

Have you a budget and, if so, how much?

When you do recruit new team members, are you capable of coaching them so they too can attain success?

These are all tricky questions that demand well thought out answers.

The biggest difference between those that earn cash with their MLM home based business and those that don’t is their ability to master sales and marketing.

The easiest way to succeed in an MLM home based business is to find a system that works and follow the system that has proven successful for others.

If you are ready to start really making money online from the comfort of your home click here.

Effective SEO Comes Cheap

Effective SEO Comes Cheap

Search engine optimizationcheap seo effective or SEO is the hottest way to drive targeted traffic to your website. Maximizing the benefits of a well-SEO’ed website will yield lots of earnings for the marketer. However, SEO-ing your site might cost you thousands of dollars if you are really?a newbie on this field.

But to tell you the truth, you can essentially get information on low cost SEO anywhere in the Internet. But only several really show you how to work out an affordable search engine optimization endeavor. And those few that really inform include this article.

Use Link exchanges to Increase SEO Juice

One cheap SEO method that can get you best results is through link exchanges or linking to and from other web sites. Depending on the websites that you would like to exchange links with, this tool could even cost you nothing at all. Contact the author or owner of the web site you want to have a link exchange with. You will be surprised with the eventual spiking up of your page ranking using this means of getting your website optimized.

Write or acquire key word rich articles

Writing truly informative and keyword-rich articles is one surefire way to make your Internet business more visible than ever. It’s either you write your own articles or you get them from article directories that allow you to post these articles on your website as long as you keep the resource box or the author’s byline in tact. Just don’t stuff your articles with keywords that even idiots would get bore of reading them. The readability and freshness of your articles will still be the basis of whether your writers will keep on coming back to your website or not.

Catchy Domain Name

What better will make your target visitors remember your website but with a very easy-to-recall domain name. Something sweet and short will prove to be very invaluable. Registering your domain name is not for free. But creativity is.

Organize your site navigation

Providing easy steps in navigating your site is one way to make your visitors become at ease with your site. This, in turn, will improve the flow of traffic to your website.

Low cost SEO is always evolving like any other approach in information technology. There are many methods that can very well land you on the top ten rankings of Google or on any other search engines. Some may cost a lot but there are methods that can give you the same results at a low price or you can even do on your own such as those mentioned above.

The one service that I recommend was created by my Mentor and Internet Marketing hero Rob Fore. ?He has put together a system that allows you to get your sites ranked ?easily… If you’d like to learn more about his amazing system and get your sites ranked so that you can start getting leads and sales on auto-pilot click the link below.

seo rank and stick

Rank and Stick SEO

How To Make Money With E-mail (The Right Way)

How To Make Money With E-mail (The Right Way)

The reason why many people do not make money with e-mail marketing is that they copy other e-mail marketers who force their way into people’s inboxes by making offer after offer.

They hammer a brand new offer almost every single day. The claims they make are “game-changing”, “once in a lifetime opportunity”, “ground floor”.

People who are successful in e-mail marketing build an audience. When you collect e-mails, you are playing the long game. Your goal is to give a great experience. and treat your list with respect. Treat them like humans.

Speaking to the right avatar

For years, I tried to cater to everyone. I learned the hard way that the key is to serve one type of core customer.

In order to help my avatar reach a specific outcome, these are the questions I had to ask:

  • What are their aspirations?
  • What steps do they need to do in order to hit the goals they’ve set for themselves?
  • What is holding them back? What are they afraid of, or excuses that they must overcome to achieve their goals?
  • What solution can you give them to help them with their problem? What value, can you offer them?

Meet Susie, my perfect avatar

Susie Perfect Customer Avatar 1

Susie is 40 years old

  • She has two kids and is a stay at home mom
  • Her husband is working full-time while she takes care of the household and the kids, but she is worried about their finances
  • She’s currently not making any income and wants to contribute to the household
  • She has searched on Google endlessly on how to make an income online but has left her confused, and overwhelmed
  • She doesn’t know how to get started with an online business
  • She doesn’t have any kind of structure in terms of how to start a business
  • She’s starting to second guess herself to see if starting a business is worth it
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Know your audience like you the back of your hand

Step 1: Identify the audience you are speaking to – Speak to one group of people. In my example, I speak to other females that are just like Susie.

Step 2: Identify their problems – What are their pains and frustrations? What keeps them up at night?

Step 3: Understand their desires – This is important because you want to know their wants, needs, and desires. Know this and you can make lots of money.

Step 4: Understand their dreams – What outcome are they looking to get out of this experience?

Step 5: Understand their fears – What is holding them back from achieving their goals?

Step 6: Your solution – What will you recommend to them? How can your solution help them?

trophyIf you can help your perfect avatar move one step closer to their goal, you have gained their trust.

Desired Outcome

Become an attractive character

The Attractive Character comes directly from Russell Brunson’s DotCom Secrets book. (If you haven’t read Dot Com Secrets yet or you don’t know who Russell Brunson is, stop everything you’re doing and get yourself a free copy by clicking here).

Your Attractive Character is the person your audience will connect with.

Think of The Rock, Oprah, Michael Jordan, Tom Cruise, to name a few.

The Attractive Character is the person that will prove to your audience that their goals, dreams, and ambitions are possible.

The Attractive Character

An attractive character allows you to connect with your dream customer as a marketing strategy. It doesn’t matter whether, on e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, your Attractive Character will draw people to you.

There are 4 elements you need for an attractive character:

  • Your Backstory
  • Your Parables (little stories)
  • Your Character Flaws
  • Your Polarity

The Soap Opera Sequence

The key to using email marketing effectively is to hold your audience’s interest. You have to make them excited to open your next email.

How do you do that in an age where attention spans are short and the options seem endless?

Create a soap opera sequence.

And, we’re not talking about handing your company to your competition. It’s a method of sprinkling a bit of drama and suspense to your emails.

Generally, it is a series of five emails that are sent out over the course of five days to an email subscriber.

The sole purpose of a Soap Opera Sequence is to tell an emotional story similar to a TV Soap Opera but in an e-mail setting to build the know, like and trust factor. All while this is happening, your subscriber wants to be engaged and entertained.

Soap Opera Sequence

You want to do this because eventually, you’ll be making offers to this audience of e-mail subscribers when they trust you.

For my own soap opera email sequence, I have 5 emails with one email sent out each day and I tell my story of how I started an online business. Where I was before I started, and where I am now.

Here’s typically what the 5-day email sequence looks like:

  • Day #1: Setting the stage
  • Day #2: Drama and backstory
  • Day #3: Epiphany
  • Day #4: Hidden benefits
  • Day #5: Urgency: Call to action also known as a CTA

At the end of each e-mail, you want to keep the audience engaged by including an open loop. An open loop is like a cliffhanger when you watch your favorite TV show that makes them look forward to the next e-mail.

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Final thoughts

Email often gets sold as a magic bullet in the world of online marketing when it’s actually just one of many actions to convert leads into customers.

Before focusing on email, ask yourself: Is email really our biggest opportunity for improvement right now? And if not, what is?

I would also like to recommend that you take a look at my review of DotCom secrets. The Seinfeld Sequence was taught inside this book.

Dotcom Secrets is an absolutely game-changing book. Some of the advice inside the book has changed how I approach my email marketing. So, do yourself a favor and click here to get your free copy!

Nate Leung

Sales Funnel Tips: The Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

Sales Funnel Tips: The Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

For about as long as people have been selling products, they’ve been thinking about where to find customers and how to reach them. The classic sales and marketing funnels date back to the late 1800s and provide a simple metaphor to think about the path a customer takes on the way to purchase.

Building a sales funnel is like building something from lego pieces. You have this set of pieces and you just have to connect them together.

The building blocks of a sales funnel is a model of how to take a visitor from prospect to customer. It can also be used as a starting point in building a journey map.

Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

The building blocks have 4 categories – a few of them for each step of the customer journey:

Pre-frame bridge


You can see many of them on all of the internet, especially on Facebook. Why quizzes are great is because you can ask for an email address in exchange for the result. You can also put viewers into different segments (funnels), depending on their answers. Quizzes give quick results. People love quick results.

Blog articles

They are great for cold traffic resulting from an ad or a google search. Most likely they will work better if they are placed on a third-party website. they are good to pre-frame any topic. For example, compare existing solutions on the market with an explanation of why your solution is better.

News website

The news tends to grab more attention than other non-news information. The downside is that they have a shorter life, but usually, it’s worth writing to them.


They are great for pre-framing material, such as testimonials. You can use them to educate viewers. As with every other element, don’t forget about a strong call-to-action.


Pre-framing via email works well if you’re using JV partners to endorse you or buy a solo ad.

Bridge pages

These are great when wanting to educate people and give them background information. These pages have a call-to-action leading to the product page. These are also known as pre-sell pages. Connecting the visitor from the landing page to the sales page.

Qualifying subscribers


This element is kind of obsolete now, but it still has some use in special circumstances.

Squeeze page

This is a very simple page that looks like a popup, where the user has only two choices – give their email address to go forward or leave the page. They are very effective.

Squeeze pop

These are like squeeze pages, but you can place them in many places on the same page.

Free plus shipping, two-step form

In the first step, the user is asked for an email with some personal information. In the second step, he is asked to pay for the shipping. So, we have two steps in one form – qualifying subscribers and qualifying buyers.

Webinar registration

Free webinars are great to generate leads. Also, take them to the next step in the sale process.

Free account

It works very well with software and membership programs. Where the user can sign up for a free trial and if it’s something they see using, they will upgrade to a paid subscription.

Exit pop

Once people want to leave your site show them a popup with a great headline. This is the last chance to get their email address before they leave your site.

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Qualifying buyers

Free plus shipping offer

This is my favorite way to qualify buyers. This way they are willing to pay for a


A very low-cost trial offer is also a great way to qualify buyers.


You can offer one part of your product for a very small price – like seven dollars.

Self-liquidating offers (SLO)

Some of your offers, like free-plus-shipping, may lose you money, this offer will help you get your money back. It’s a more expensive one, between $ 37-$ 97 dollars. People need a strong bond with your Attractive Character to buy these types of products.

Straight sale

A regular sale with one of your high-ticket items (between $ 97-$ 5,000 dollars or higher).

Identify hyperactive buyers

One-time offers

Usually, these are additional offers that complete the value of the initial one.


When a buyer refuses your one-time offer, you can try to sell them a regular payment plan version.

Affiliate recommendation

When the buyer finishes all the purchasing steps and is on the “thank you” page, you can link him to other offers he might be interested in.

Final thoughts

Most of the time, the very first funnel you build may not make you profitable. In fact, the goal of your first funnel is to acquire customers and to breakeven.

As you get better at this, you will come across several new strategies and techniques to filter more people through your business.

You have made it to the end. By “end”, I really mean the beginning. Now that you’ve gone through the concept and the recipe, you’re ready to build your own sales funnel.

Nate Leung


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