Ok… So I’ve been in the internet marketing space for about 3 years now. And in all of my training… Lectures from coaches and mentors… Everyone just keeps saying give value give value, give value… But very few of them actually tell you what value is, how you create it and how you give it. Now maybe I’m a little slow to pick up things every now and then, but one of my questions has been… What is this value that they keep talking about and how do I use it to grow my business.

So here goes…

Think again about the Pizza Delivery guy… You order a pizza and the value that he provides to you is that he shows up at your door with this steaming hot delicious pie that you can’t wait to sink your teeth into. You can now go from your front door, back to your couch, and open a cold one turn on the tele and enjoy that hot pizza and cold beer without ever having to leave your home… This is the value that the Pizza guy provided you. Without him you would have had to drive down to the pizza shop, go into the shop, perhaps wait in line and then drive back home to enjoy a now warm, possible cold pizza with your cold beer.

So we create value by providing service, convenience, imparting knowledge ( education/training ), inspiring and motivating others. There are just toms of ways that we can provide service you just have to determine how you can best serve your audience.

In the internet marketing space, we serve people in a number of ways… We expose goods and services to those who are interested in purchasing them. We educate motivate and inspire others. We show others what is possible by being examples…

So as a new marketer, your question might be… How can I as a newbie create and provide value?

The answer to this is simple… Increase your value to the marketplace. Study, Learn and share what you have learned. The more that you learn… The more that you do, the more that you expose yourself to those who are where you want to be, the more valuable you will become. Take notes… Ray Higdon says that your notes are like un-cashed checks… It’s up to you to cash those checks. Today we are fortunate enough to have the inter-webs… There is really nothing that you can’t learn. So your task should be on a daily basis, increase your knowledge an the share what you have learned with others.

One of my mentors is a spiritual teacher and everyday he shares his spiritual insight with his audience. And finally, everyone’s perspective is valuable… Your experience is, like you, unique. Share your individual insight and life experiences. You never know who is currently going through what you have already been through… So share… Become part of the global community… Have fun…

To Our Unlimited Success!

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