How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing – The 2-Step Close
How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing
If you want to learn how to close a deal in Network Marketing, this is something that I absolutely have used a ton of times. I heard this for the first time from someone in my organization.
I was actually in her house, in her kitchen, and a three-way call came in. She talked to the person for a few minutes. She did the two-step close and it was like a hot knife through butter. They were in. And I was like WOW!
There’s a lot of genius behind this and that’s why I started implementing it.
One of the reasons why the two-step closed works so well is because it is an assumptive close. And if you understand closing, the more you can assume the close, the more likely you are to actually close the person and get them started.
Say someone has seen a presentation. They’ve watched a video. Maybe they were at a presentation, a home event, a hotel. Whatever it is.
Step 1:
Immediately after it’s over, you’re going to ask, “Awesome, right? What did you like best?”
You say this is because at the end of a presentation, your prospect likely doesn’t know exactly how to feel.
See, people feel based on how we feel. Part of being masterful in the closing process is getting someone excited. It’s a transfer of emotion and if you transfer no emotion of excitement, they’re unlikely to feel excitement.
Oftentimes, we rely on the presentation tool. We rely on the presenter but it’s so much more than the presentation. It’s so much more than the video.
It’s all about the energy that you transmit. If you transmit a lot of positive excited energy, guess what your prospect feels? Positive excited energy.
So, step one is: “Awesome, right? What’d you like best?” And then what happens?
They tell you. So, part of the power in asking someone what they like best is your eliciting a positive response.
You’re never going to ask “did you like it” because that’s a yes or no question. You’re assuming they liked it and what you’re doing is you’re accessing the part of their brain that’s searching for something they like.
Now, if you get a negative response back, that’s awesome because you know that’s probably not the person that you’re looking for.
A quick no is a good no.
The worst thing in the world is someone who doesn’t really say no, but they never say yes either, and they’re always on the fence. I want a quick yes or quick no. I love a quick no.
Put it in your mind that you love a quick no. The only way to get a lot of yeses is to also get a lot of noes so you’ve got to be okay with the noes. That’s another topic.
So, you’re going to ask them what they like best. They’re going to tell you what they like best, hopefully. When they tell you what they like best, here’s what you say…
Step 2 – “Sounds like you’re ready to get started.”
Then you shut up.
Now, there’s a key here. When you say “sounds like you’re ready to get started”, you don’t keep talking. You shut up.
It takes a person an average of about four to eight seconds to make a decision to spend several hundred dollars. It’s not long but it feels like an eternity because there’s a little bit of pressure and we’re kind of condition not to enjoy pressure.
So, when you ask, “sounds like you’re ready to get started”, you wait. It’s meant to be uncomfortable.
What causes people to make a decision is pressure.
The average salesperson will not allow more than two to three seconds of silence before they interrupt because they don’t like the pressure. However, the pressure is what causes people to take action.
By you not liking the pressure, it costs you the sale.
Change your mindset. Change your programming and decide that you love the pressure.
I had to do this myself. I turned it into a game. The game is “Ask the question and shut up.” And I’m not going to say a word. I don’t care if it’s 30 damn minutes. I’m just going to sit there.
“Sounds like you’re ready to get started” and I’ll keep doing that. I’ll just keep pausing.
And this is the key.
Two steps. Very, very simple.
I could give you a five, six, ten step closing process. Asking all these eloquent questions but hell, I can barely remember a five-step close. So, I certainly am not going to expect my organization to learn a five, six, seven-step close because it doesn’t duplicate.
In network marketing, even if I can train everyone on how to be this magical salesperson, that doesn’t duplicate.
I can’t train everyone how to do it but I can get some to learn the hypnotic sales skills.
I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars learning how to close like a master, and I can, but I don’t even use those anymore because I find that the people that I have to do all of this complicated closing process with, they’re not the ones that lead to huge organizations.
Simple works. Simple duplicates. Use this. Train this. Take my training and train your organization on it. If you want, you can even share this. You can just steal it.
Act like it’s yours. I don’t care.
Hopefully, you’ve got some value out of this and hope it helps you close a lot more sales.
More importantly, I hope it allows your organization to close a lot more sales because duplication is where it is all at.
If you want some more information, some advanced trading from me, hop over to and put your name and email address in to get some strategies on how to not only become a leader but recruit powerful leaders.
Everything we do in network marketing is all about leadership. Everything rises and falls based on leadership.
Recruiting leaders is where the multiplication happens.
Recruiting followers is only where the addition happens. Addition is painful.
Multiplication is fast and fun and it’s what leads to time and money freedom.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing – The 2-Step Close appeared first on Matt Morris.