Creating Belief in Network Marketing

Creating Belief in Network Marketing

Creating Belief in network marketing boils down to one thing…

If you’re a leader in your network marketing organization then you have one job…

Creating belief in network marketing, so much so, that they choose to go ALL-IN!

This brings us to Law #5: Facilitate Major Decisions

The starting point for major success is a major decision.
When I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, I didn’t just fall on top of the mountain…
I had to make a major decision to take a few months out of my life training and then a week to fly to Tanzania and make the trek.
When I found myself 20-30 pounds overweight, I didn’t have 6-pack abs 90 days later by accident…
I had to make a major decision the I was no longer going to tolerate being a flabby chunker.
And in the same manner, network marketers don’t achieve the highest ranks in your company by futzing around with their business and “trying” it out.
It takes a MAJOR decision to create MAJOR success.
So, young Jedi, this is where you must understand HOW major decisions are made and HOW to get a LOT of people making major decisions to go ALL-IN.
Here’s the rule… and never forget this:

Major decisions are made at major events.

You can get people excited and create some momentum from webinars, calls, meetings, zooms, etc…
All of those things help to create belief, for sure…
But on a scale of 1-10, those things can get people to maybe a 7 or an 8 on the belief scale.
Not bad.
But only good enough to create a “builder”.
Leaders (those who hit the top ranks) are created ONLY when their belief gets to a 10.
In order to get someone to a 10, they typically need at least a 2-day immersion event (ideally put on by your company) with hundreds or, ideally, thousands.
2 full days of training, vision casting, belief building, inspiration, leadership development and hearing success stories of people like them (or not even on their level) who have created an incredible lifestyle through your opportunity or network marketing.
When you become a master of event promotion and, in turn, duplicate masterful levels of event promotion, you create a leadership development factory.
THAT, my friend, is how you create not just momentum, but a MOVEMENT.
I can personally attribute millions in earnings from this one strategy.
If you want to not only become a powerful leader, but also help CREATE powerful leaders, become a master of event promotion.
I say “help” create powerful leaders because, in reality, as individual leaders, don’t create leaders…
People become leaders on their own through their decisions…
Decisions create leaders.
Events create leaders…
So get good!

If you want to discover the 7 specific strategies I’ve used to go from being a broke swimming pool salesman to creating 7-figure results in my network marketing organization…

Head over to I just released my new book that acts as the starting ground…

The FOUNDATION necessary for achieving a high level of success.

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

Take care.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post Creating Belief in Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession

How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession​​Is Network Marketing a Real Business?Are You Bold Enough to Be Successful in Network Marketing?​ 0 shares Share0 Tweet0 Share0 How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing ProfessionIn this training we’re going to ‘look under the hood’ […]

The post How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession appeared first on Todd Falcone.

Blog – Todd Falcone


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