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Step up and become the leader in your organization
Become the leader in your organization
I don’t care what your rank in your company is.
It doesn’t matter how much money you make.
The bottom line…
The most widely accepted definition of leadership boils down to one word…
Leadership is influence over other people.
If you have just one person in your organization…
You are a leader because you’re influencing the other person in your organization.
Knowing this…
Step up and become the leader in your organization and stop waiting for sh*t to happen!
I’ve got a little bit of an advantage of having built an organization of well over a million customers in the last nine years.
And in 20 years…
The biggest thing I see that holds people back is that…
They don’t believe they are a leader or don’t see themselves as someone who could become a leader.
It’s not uncommon for these people to think they can get away with bad behavior (not showing up or personally producing themselves).
It doesn’t matter if you have a massive organization or a small group…
You still have influence over other people and they will be looking at YOU to determine how big or small their actions should be.
Everything that you do duplicates.
So, if you’re not personally producing…
Those in your organization most likely aren’t producing either.
One of the reasons I’m personally enrolling, mentoring and building new people up and helping create financial freedom for them is because I understand that top leaders in my organization will see this behavior and duplicate it!
If they see me in retirement mode and not personally producing at a high level then guess what…
They won’t do sh*t!
You are the leader
Realize that you ARE the leader…
You just need to decide to become the leader in your organization that you already are.
After a meeting…
Are you going out and getting drunk?
If so – other people see that.
That duplicates.
You’ve got to be watching yourself and realize that everything you do duplicates.
Someone will always be watching…
The good news?
Good behavior duplicates too.
Ask yourself this question:
“If everyone in your organization produced personally at the level you are personally producing…
would you be excited?”
If not…
Make a change.
Step up and become the leader.
If you want to discover the 7 specific strategies I’ve used to go from being a broke swimming pool salesman to creating 7-figure results in my network marketing organization…
Head over to I just released my new book that acts as the starting ground…
The FOUNDATION necessary for achieving a high level of success.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post Become The Leader In Your Organization appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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It’s time to step out of the shadows and become the leader in network marketing that you know you can be.
Why become a leader in network marketing?
If you’re in network marketing, building a sales team or building any type of organization…
You obviously want to multiply your followers, correct?
How do you increase the number of people following you?
Step into your power as a leader.
Let me explain…
I’ve had a mentor for about 18 years in business.
I honor, respect, and am incredibly grateful to this individual in a big way.
The thing, however, that I had to realize was that if I stayed in his shadow for too long…
I would end up staying in the rut of mediocrity.
It was imperative for me to step out of the shadows and step up into the role of a leader.
The rule of the leader
If you are to become a leader in network marketing then there is a rule that you must know.
This rule states: someone will ONLY follow someone else if they perceive that individual to be a higher-level leader than themselves.
If you perceive yourself to be a level 7 (on a scale from 1-10) leader…
Are you going to follow someone you perceive to be a level 5?
They have to catch up to you, not the other way around.
Now, pay attention to the part of the law that says “perceive”.
Someone will only follow someone else if they PERCEIVE that individual to be a higher-level leader than themselves.
It’s all perception.
There is no test you take that spits out a score.
You are a leader when you decide to become one. You are who you say you are until you prove otherwise.
It’s time to step up and become a leader in network marketing
Guys, it’s time to reach down and grab a pair.
Girls, it’s time to put on your big girl panties and step up.
You are worthy of people following you and people WANT to be lead.
We’ve been told what to do & lead our whole lives…
By our parents…
Our teachers…
The question is: Are you going to be the one who leads or are you going to be like everyone else and live a mediocre life by staying in the shadow of somebody else?
Let’s get to work.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post Become a Leader in Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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It’s simple to become a leader in network marketing once you understand how simple
and how easy leadership is.
The first step in knowing how to become a great leader in network marketing is knowing what great leaders DON’T do.
I was on a call with a VERY strong leader on my team…
…but he said something that I find is one of the reasons why a lot of leaders don’t rise up to the potential that they have within’ them.
If you want to be a bad leader…
You should say things and act in a manner that is not consistent with the greatest leader that you want to be.
What man bad ‘leaders’ will say things like, “Once I achieve a certain level of leadership…
Once I achieve a certain level of income or rank, THEN I will be a great leader and then act like that great leader.”
This, obviously, is not the way to becoming a leader.
So, the leader on my team said, “Well, I’m not like you!”.
Whenever you say something like “Well, I’m not like you”, you’re saying that you’re not as good as someone else.
You’re always going to be second best…
Second best thinkers are always second-best doers.
As long as you keep saying, “I’m not an expert”, you’re never going to be the expert!
A leader in network marketing acts as if…
You’ve got to act as if you already are the greatest leader of all time.
Stop saying things that a top leader in your company would not say.
Sounds fairly simple, right?
If you take the top leader in your company – the person that you aspire to be like – look a the things they say.
Study their mannerisms…
Their vocabulary and speech patterns…
Take all of this and simply to do things that leader would do.
I remember when I was new and had a team that grew to a few hundred people.
My mentor pulled me aside and said, “You’re a leader when you decide to be. You’re a leader when you act like a leader.”
Such a simple statement was so profound for me at the time, however, it didn’t truly click for me until putting my buddy and me through a demonstration…
Leaders lead… right?
My buddy and I were standing next to each other asking my mentor more about leadership…
He moved his head (in a “follow me” fashion) and started walking around the car.
My buddy and I started walking around the car where he was.
We walked all the way around the car and then we stopped.
My mentor asked, “what just happened?”.
He led…
We followed.
That’s what great leaders do.
What are the greatest things that a leader would do?
Ask yourself…
“What would an incredible leader do?”
I asked myself this question and came to the conclusion: Great leaders would do a weekly leadership call every Monday night!
So, I read books and studied leadership.
I’d read John Maxwell books, network marketing books and anything I could get my hands on!
I took notes profusely!
Guess what I talked about on our leadership calls?
I just read my notes!
Literally, I would read my notes from what I had read and learned and would spit the information out to my group.
An interesting thing started to happen…
I suddenly had so many people saying, “Oh my God, Matt! You’re this amazing leader. I can’t believe the information that you give us. I can’t believe the mentorship that you give us!”.
This was the “holy shit!” moment…
People want to follow others…
You will only lead others if people perceive you to be at a higher level leader than themselves.
Notice the keyword: Perceive.
If you act like a leader, people will perceive you as a leader that they want to follow.
It’s as simple as that…
Leadership is incredibly simple once you understand how simple and easy leadership really is.
Everyone thinks leadership is so hard when in reality, asll you have to do is the things that a leader would do.
If you feel unconfident…
Do the thing anyway! Nobody knows that you’re unconfident.
If you’re scared…
Do the thing you’re scared of! Nobody knows you’re scared except for you.
If you’re fearful…
Do the thing that you’re afraid of over and over again.
The more you do it, the more the fear goes away.
Eventually, you will become confident inside, you won’t feel the knots in your stomach, and you’ll rise to the level internally that you ultimately want to be.
You’ll feel like the leader you’ve always wanted to be.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How To Become A Leader In Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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The most important quality of becoming a leader in network marketing is the ability to grow leaders. How? Simple. Give it all away…
The most important quality a leader must possess is the ability to grow leaders.
There’s a rule in leadership that says, “People will only follow others they perceive are at a higher level of leadership than themselves.”
Early on in my network marketing career, I couldn’t recruit anyone… let alone leaders.
I felt like a 2 (on a scale of 1-10) on the leadership scale and so I was showing up like a 2.
This means I could only recruit 1’s and 2’s if I was lucky.
When I finally started brainwashing myself and telling myself every day that “I was the leader that every other leader was looking for”…
I started showing up as a leader, therefore, was able to recruit a much higher caliber of a leader.
Now that I was able to recruit leaders…
I was faced with a different problem.
How do I grow my leaders in network marketing?
After much experience I realized…
People will turn out the way you expect them to turn out.
This means that people’s degree of leadership will be based on your thinking about their leadership…
Your expectation of their leadership.
Is this absolute?
Of course not!
But if you don’t expect big things from your leaders, they’re way less likely to rise to higher levels.
So great, we’ve got step one: Expect big things from your leaders.
What’s step two?
Become a leader in network marketing by constantly encouraging your people
Tell them how great they are.
Recognize their accomplishments and celebrate even the smallest wins.
Many leaders who have an incredible work ethic, great trainers, and mastered all the skills…
Sabotage themselves because they want all the glory.
They want the fame.
This brings me to Step three:
Give away all the glory
Great leaders give away all the glory.
As soon as a leader on your team thinks that you want all the glory, they’re gonna be less likely to work really hard to make you more money.
If you’re constantly recognizing, constantly edifying, and celebrating their wins… your leaders will do anything for you!
They’ll think, “Wow! He/she sees something in me that I don’t see in myself!”
If you want to get really good at something…
Get good at seeing leadership in other people that they don’t see in themselves.
That’s what my mentor did with me.
I started producing and he started recognizing me and giving me the glory, not just one-on-one, but publicly.
Even when I wasn’t around.
If you recognize someone even when they’re not around…
It will get back to them and it will be much more meaningful.
It’s more impactful because they’ll understand that you’re not just giving them compliments to bump up their ego.
Give away credit for your success
When a leader on your team edifies you…
Say, “the only reason why I’ve been able to achieve what I’ve achieved is I’ve got amazing leaders on the team.”
Give them the confidence that they can surpass you & they are more capable than you were.
In The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz; It talks about honor.
You should honor the leader, respect the leader, learn from the leader, but never think you can’t pass the leader because second-best thinkers are invariably second-best doers.
If you hog on the glory… you’re preventing them from having the confidence and belief that they can surpass you.
Becoming a leader in network marketing is about giving hope
When someone puts me on a pedestal I’m always saying, “I want you to pass me. You have the ability to pass me. When I was x years into network marketing like you, I had nowhere near the ability that you have.”
Don’t just give people glory, but give them hope.
Let them know that they have within’ them to far surpass you.
The more glory you give…
And the more hop you give…
The more glory comes back to you.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How To Become A Leader in Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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Becoming a top leader in network marketing is tough… especially if you’re the one doing all the work!
To understand if you’re on the right track to becoming a top leader in network marketing, we must ask one question:
Are you looking for a mentor or are you looking for a nanny?
Let me explain…
When I first got started with network marketing, I was completely dependent on my upline…
I would get off a conference call and if my upline wasn’t available for a 3-way call, I wouldn’t even try and close my prospect…
I’d say, “you know what? I really want you to talk to Steve or John” or whoever my upline was and I wouldn’t proceed without him getting on the phone to support me.
This led to me getting pissed off at my upline because if they weren’t answering their calls, I didn’t want to ask for the sale.
If I wasn’t asking for the sale without a support line…
Not only was I not making money…
…But do you think I looked like a top leader while needing support from my upline all the time?
Becoming a top leader in network marketing did NOT come naturally for me
Don’t rely on and base your business on having a “nanny” available to you 24/7…
You’re not a child
I had to get over that and I had to stop wanting this mysterious mentor who was going to be there 24/7 to help me close all my deals.
I was wanting a nanny!
So, have you been looking for a nanny, or have you been wanting a mentor?
Nanny or Mentor?
A mentor is someone who can kick your ass and tell you to stop being dependent on three-way phone calls.
If your upline is not available, do the presentation anyway!
You are good enough to close prospects yourself.
You don’t have to rely upon or use your upline as a crutch.
You’re never going to become powerful until you realize you are good enough.
You are…
Anything else is just a lie.
It’s just a matter of stepping up and actually doing it.
If you’re wanting to be a top leader in network marketing… are you being a mentor or are you being a nanny to your organization?
I see this so often…
When someone gets to a point where they’re having some success – and organization of 20-50 people – and they mother hen their group to death!
You’re doing everything for your group and never building any leadership…
Never building any confidence in your group and you’re seen as a crutch.
It’s good to be available for your team, but if your team is dependent on you to do 3-way calls all day…
You’re going to get burned out… quickly!
If your organization only grows if you’re doing all the work… You haven’t built leadership
You’ve built children.
You are a nanny…
Not a leader.
Empower your leaders to do things themselves…
To increase their confidence in their own abilities.
Tacts are powerful, but if their mindset is wrong, their tactics will never work.
Empower people by giving them the right belief, making them rise up to become a leader vs. staying a child forever.
Here’s a rule in leadership – as a leader, never do for someone what they’re capable of doing themselves.
Believe in other people more than they believe in themselves and sometimes that means they need a kick in the ass.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How To Become a Top Leader In Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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What Does a Leader Do? – Motivational Monday
Leaders only have one thing – followers. People follow because they agree with an opinion or a goal.
Leaders are simply people with opinions who point in a direction and say “That’s where I think we should go. That’s where success lies.” Not only do they point, but they begin to move. They will stand up in a crowd and begin making plans and taking action on how to get from where they are now to their desired destination. Everything that they create is a product of their ability to work towards their goal. If a leader does not have something, they reach out into the universe until they have what they are looking for. They cannot stop because they don’t have something.
A leader sees obstacles as opportunities. There is no negativity, only objectivity. Behind every obstacle, behind every great wall, is a treasure worth fighting for. They have to be creative and ambitious for every challenge they face.
Leaders simply have a goal and the will to get there.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post What Does a Leader Do? – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris