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What a cave taught me about dark times in life…
I recently got back from a rappelling expedition in Belize.
During this expedition, I had the opportunity to explore a cave.
This cave was PITCH black.
No light.
Completely dark.
Luckily, we had lights attached to a helmet we were wearing that lit the way for us.
This experience reminded me…
While traipsing through the cave it made me think about how, in so many cases, we go through a cave in our life (dark times in our life where it seems so black you can’t see the way out).
A little over a decade ago I was $ 750,000 in debt…
Questioning myself and every decision I made.
I couldn’t eat, sleep or think.
There were days where I’d go to a bar and take out 2-3 vodkas just to get through the day.
I couldn’t see a way out & it was incredibly frustrating.
When I was in that dark period I wish somebody would have told me…
When there’s hope for the future, there’s power in the present.
At the time what I didn’t realize at the time was that there have been MANY people that have made it through dark times their life…
Even darker than what I was experiencing at the time.
So, if you’re going through dark times in life just know…
You’re going to find a way out too.
You just have to keep walking and continue searching.
The process of searching breeds hope.
It’s like the old saying, “When you’re going through hell, don’t stop!”
When I was $ 750,000 in debt I wanted to curl up and hide…
…But listen, you don’t ever find the light by hiding.
You don’t find the light by staying where you are but you find the light by searching and continuing to walk.
Have hope for the future and bring power to the present.
Keep walking my friend.
If you want to discover the 7 specific strategies I’ve used to go from being a broke swimming pool salesman to creating 7-figure results in my network marketing organization…
Head over to I just released my new book that acts as the starting ground…
The FOUNDATION necessary for achieving a high level of success.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How To Get Through Dark Times In Life appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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Someone once told me the definition of hell; on your last day on earth, the person you could have become will meet the person you became.
Here are a few questions that you may need to ask yourself.
- Do you live the way you want to live?
- Are you honestly where you want to be?
- Do you act from your ego or from your heart?
- Are you using your full potential?
- Do you live your dreams?
If you are ready to live your life and set yourself free. The following steps will help guide you there. Put this knowledge to work and actively work to set yourself free.
1) People come in and out of your life
As I grew older and moved out of my parent’s house. I started to realize that my inner circle of friends started to become smaller. One day you’re close with someone, the next day they are no longer in your life. I’ve learned to accept that this is life. I’ve accepted it and moved on.
2) Keep the people you care about close to your heart
Good, genuine people are hard to come by these days. These are the people who stick by your side through your hard times. Those are the same people who go through the good times as well. Those who decide to leave and not walk with you through your bullshit, let them. Protect your emotions. There is no need to dwell on the nonsense.
3) The grass is greener where you water it
You will look at your friends, colleagues and close friends’ achievement with envy. They’ve got those achievements you don’t have, their life looks perfect. Or is it? Everyone has their own challenges no matter how perfect it appears to be. Never assume. Focus on your patch of grass. Water it well, and it will grow longer and greener as days pass. Nothing comes easy, you have to work for your success. Remember, this is a long-term play
4) You can’t please everyone
Never change because you want to please someone. Never. You cannot. Do things that allow you to be you. Go 110% with what you believe in. Go all out. Don’t talk about it, be about it. You do you, and if there are people who hate whatever you’re doing, let them. Don’t change yourself to please them. There will always be something for people to talk about. Focus on you and the people who matter to you. You do this, and your life will be easier.
5) Build meaningful relationships with people who have the same ambitions as you
If you want to be a successful online marketer. Hang out with the people who are making more money than you. Give them value and in return, they will give you value. So many times I see beginners in this space that try to please who inspires them. They are normal people like you. Treat them like one.
6) Build influence with new connections
Get out, get to know people. If you are an introvert and hate interacting with people. Do it anyway. We all need to start somewhere. Do volunteer work, internships, and part-time jobs. Even if it means you’re doing the unpleasant tasks. Know names, connect with them on social media. Put your name out there and make sure you make an impression. Why? Because when you go out there and do the work. People will take notice. It’s easier to get to where you want to go when people already know who you are. So do yourself a favor.
7) No one cares
A bit harsh? You bet! Stop complaining and moaning about how much your life sucks. This may come off as cliche. But no one cares. So if your life sucks that much, do something to change it. Make a conscious decision to change. If you do the same thing over and over, nothing will ever change. When you do go after the change, be ready for the consequences that come with it. At the end of the day, you’re responsible for yourself, and no one else.
8) No one owes you anything
You are responsible for yourself. Your parents don’t owe you anything, your bosses don’t owe you anything, and your peers don’t owe you anything. Do you want something bad enough? You work hard and earn it. Don’t expect anyone to do anything for you. If they do, it’s a privilege, not an entitlement.
9) Physical appearance isn’t everything
It’s how you carry yourself. I’d rather someone be my friend for my personality and knowledge than my looks. Carry yourself with respect, confidence, and kindness. As you grow older, you will realize, your physical appearance doesn’t matter.
10) Your ego and pride is not everything
Your ego and pride aren’t worth shit. Put your ego and pride at the down. Apologize when it’s needed. Friendships and relationships are worth far more than your stupid ego and pride. Even if you hate your boss, you put that ego and pride down and you say good morning when you see him. Because if you don’t say it, what do you think you’ll get out of it? Your useless ego and pride are not worth the grumpy boss’s bad side. Not worth it.
11) Make peace with yourself
This is the only true way to make yourself happy. Don’t look at others for validation. Disappointment will happen very often. Instead, validate yourself. The same goes for happiness. Don’t rely on anyone for happiness. Love yourself. Be confident.
12) Life is never fair. Never.
You work as hard as someone but they get what they want and you don’t? Suck it up. Life isn’t fair, and it will never be. Work hard, and if you work hard enough, you will get to where you want to be. Eventually.
13) Follow your heart
Live by what you believe in. Stick to your values and do not get swayed. Do you believe in second chances? Give that chance. Do you want to be vegan? Do just that. Do you want to be kind to people who least deserve it? Be kind as fuck. Don’t change who you are for someone who can’t accept you for you.
14) View life from a different pair of lens
It’s easy to jump to conclusions or make quick assumptions. There are always two parts to the story. Always, always emphasize rather than sympathize. Put yourself in their shoes and understand why they do what they did. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture that is in front of you. More than often, we see things how we want them to be even though in most cases, it isn’t what our minds made it out to be. Emphasize, it’s a very empowering set of skills.
15) Count your blessings
Always. Always. Always. You’ll never get everything you want in life, but that’s life. Be contented with what you have, and you will be happy. There will always be someone better, richer, more attractive. Never try to compete with this person. You’re always in competition with yourself. Strive for the best version of yourself, not the best of someone else.
In closing…
It will take some focus and inner work but you can have the power to set yourself free. When you are able to do this, you can achieve better results in your life. It’s not always easy to let things go. It will take time and consistent effort to remove yourself from the burden. Once this happens, you will begin to grow and prosper. You deserve it.
Nate Leung
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How To Get Out of a Slump in Business & Life…
Getting into a slump
We all are highly motivated with loads of energy and are constantly moving towards our goals, right?
Yeah, definitely not…
Every so often we get into what’s called a “slump” or a “rut” in our life, business, or relationships.
This is a feeling of stagnation where your motivation is gone, you don’t really want to work on your business or projects…
You’d rather just sit at home and binge-watch Netflix.
We all fall into these “slumps” in life…
…but what’s important is figuring out a way to get out of them!
The first step to get out of ‘rut’ in life
Take responsibility.
Understand that we are responsible for the feelings we endure.
We must discipline our mind in creating motivation & desire.
Take control over your thoughts, and you’ll take control of your feelings & actions.
When you’re able to take responsibility for your feelings instead of putting the blame on some external circumstance, you take back power over your life. Then you can move on to step 2:
Become hyper-aware of your patterns
Take notice of your patterns of thinking, motivation, and emotions.
You’ll begin to notice when you are in a ‘slump’ & can now get yourself out!
Not only will you be able to notice when you’re in one…
You’ll notice what put you into one in the first place!
For me – I can look back over the past 90 days and ask myself, “how much personal development have I been doing? How much have I been growing as a man? How much have I been growing as a leader?”
In every case when I’ve gone through a slump, it’s because I’ve slacked off on my personal development.
No matter the hundreds of books I’ve read…
The seminars I’ve gone to…
Or the number of countless hours I’ve dedicated to improving myself…
I will never stop.
It’s crazy, as developed as we can be that people would stop doing the things that got them to where they are.
What causes this slump?
It’s a lack of personal development.
A lack of building your character consciously.
If you’re not building your character consciously…
Society is.
If you’re not programming your mind…
Society is.
We must take control of our character, of our mind, and of our belief system.
Your beliefs lead to your thoughts which leads to your feelings which leads to the amount of action that you take which leads to your success.
If you’re in a slump in life or business
Program yourself every day…
Command yourself to be the better man/woman and better leader you ultimately want to be.
Start brainwashing yourself to become the kind of person that you need to become to have the results that you need to have.
Get back to your personal development AT LEAST 15 minutes/day.
Focus on building your character so that you can create what you want and stay out of the slump.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
The post How To Get Out Of A Slump In Business & Life appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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Enjoy life, even on a rocky and broken path
Life is too Short to Suffer – Motivational Monday
Life is too short to suffer.
If your stress is so powerful its time to let it go. What are those thoughts?
Are you worried about your children and their future? Does the number in your bank account not make you feel safe and secure? Is something broken, and you really need to fix it, but you don’t know where to start?
We all have these same exact thoughts and issues. No, it doesn’t make them any less meaningful or less powerful to each person. Your issues are not insignificant because someone else has them, in fact, its the opposite.
Humans, with our survival mind in a modern world, suffer from very similar issues.It’s about how we begin to help ourselves be relieved of the suffering and live in a beautiful state of mind. It’s about the people we reach out to, the resources we use for our success, and the mindset we carry every single day.
Life is too short to suffer.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post Life is too Short to Suffer- Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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Are You a Victim of Life, or The Master of it? – Motivational Monday
Take full ownership of your time, of your mind, and of your day. There are all kinds of challenges in life that will do their best to take you down – personally, they mean nothing. These huge ordeals in life that show up can look big and scary, they can have numbers attached to them that make you feel uncomfortable or some type of emotional baggage, but that’s just on the surface. Those problems are as deep as you let them be. It’s a decision to be audacious – to be loud and proud of how you handle these confrontations. To be so audacious that you analyze the issues and deal with them accordingly, instead of letting them affect you. That’s using your mind to control what precious energy you have every day. Overpowering your urge to over-react.
When I was living in my Honda, there came a point where the unexpected bills and more debt couldn’t phase me. I had decided that I was no longer a victim of my surroundings. If something needed my attention, that’s all it would get. Every problem I face gets a swift, logical kick in the ass…
Because I am the master of my life.
Are you?
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post Are You a Victim of Life, or The Master of it? – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris