It’s the Magical Time for Network Marketing
The thing that most people don’t understand about Network Marketing right now is how early it still is. Yes, we’re doing almost $ 200 billion in combined revenue around the world. And yes, there’s a hundred million people involved around the world either part-time or full-time. But it’s still so early.
Here’s what is happening right now…
#1 The products are growing up
Lazy products are not working in the marketplace. So, the products and services are getting better and better.
#2 The companies are improving
Companies are going to another level in terms of branding, service, support, and technology.
#3 The distributors of Network Marketing are deciding to become professionals
There are more people today that consider themselves Network Marketing professionals than any other time.
And I personally believe that this generation, the people who are getting involved right now, are going to create the most wealth per distributor. They are going to make more than the people who got involved years ago because the profession wasn’t really ready yet. And they are going to make more than distributors in the future because the profession is going to be more popular, widely accepted, and more understood.
But today, Network Marketing has the perfect blend of professionalism and improved practices, standards, and training while still being virgin territory.
It’s like there is all of this unclaimed beach front property that a person can just come in, put their flag down, and say “I’m going to be a Network Marketing professional.” But there is going to be a time when that beach front property is going to run out, and people are going to have to move back one row. Those people are not going to get as much return as they are going to get right this moment.
This is a magical time for Network Marketing. I predict that in the next 5 or 10 years, more wealth will be created inside of the Network Marketing profession than any 10-year period in its entire existence.
Hundreds of years from now, people will look back at this moment as the perfect moment to get involved in Network Marketing. But you have to see it, and you have to take action.
The post It’s the Magical Time for Network Marketing appeared first on Network Marketing Pro.