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Looking up at a mountain of tasks and projects… Let life happen at your own pace – But never stop. Persist until you Succeed
3 Signs of Feeling Burned Out – Motivational Monday
Burnout is described as “in a state of physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress”. We’ve all been there at one point or another, where you start to feel drained and dissatisfied with your daily existence. There’s so much going on, so many projects and tasks that need to be completed, so much progress you could be making, and there are issues at home… Just the perfect storm of stressful topics to make you feel small and inadequate. If this is something you’ve experienced or you feel like right now, my friend, you may be experiencing burnout.
I wanted to make a quick list of signs you should be looking for – indicators that you need to take action!
- Simple tasks become a grind
There is an email that needs to be sent, a form to be filled out, or a meeting to attend that becomes MONUMENTAL. It’s a struggle to type out a 300 letter email, or you can’t put information together for the meeting.
SOLUTION: Meet with your peers and prioritize. This is an amazing way to communicate that you may be overloaded. Having
- Exhausted and Distracted
When the workday ends, and home life begins, you may be so tired or worn out that you don’t enjoy your free time. Instead of spending enjoying quality time with family or even doing chores, it’s easier to lie around the house and think “What’s the point”
SOLUTION: Unplug. When your day ends, your working mind ends. Instead of sitting on the couch dreading the sunrise, wake up early and enjoy it. My point is, get some good sleep, relax, and get out of the misery. It can be difficult, but like all things, the first steps are the worst. After that, it only gets better.
- Negative Self-Worth
You may have a meeting or a task coming up in the next few hours that you do not feel prepared for. In some cases, you may not even feel qualified to sit with your peers. Quality work begins to give way to feelings of self-doubt.
SOLUTION: Take a step back and acknowledge this FACT: You made it to your station because of the great things you have produced. You are in these meetings, you have better responsibilities because you have proven to be a go-to person and you can continue to do so.
Don’t let burnout make you dread another beautiful day on this planet. Take steps now to address your discontent.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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If your life was on the big screen… Would you stay and watch?
Feeling Fulfillment – Motivational Monday
I had a member of my team come to me last week and say…
“I can’t do this anymore, I’m overwhelmed and I don’t feel like I can perform my tasks anymore, I quit.”
Of course, a good leader is going not going to just watch teammates walk away. Especially when they know that the member is doing a great job, things can just be more difficult and they need reassurance of their position in the team.
We met for coffee and we talked about it. He was having a hard time putting his dissatisfaction into words. He said he was overwhelmed, that it felt like he was not making an impact on the team and he didn’t belong anymore.
We went over the usual workday process, found key points where he was struggling, and we addressed them accordingly.
My goal was to investigate why he was overwhelmed and where we could find balance.
Many times overwhelm is just an excuse for something much deeper.
Having fulfillment is… satisfaction in any situation. During massive growth or slowdowns, successful sales or failing a few times, having tasks that we don’t know how to do and the challenge of overcoming them, and pairing all of that with our daily lives.
I can’t blame him! Being on a high-performance team in one of the worlds largest sales organizations can definitely be overwhelming! But if you have Fulfillment… If you love the process, if it brings you joy to build a business and see the effects on other peoples lives… If you can take a step back from the massive todo list and take a look at the massive forest instead of just the biggest trees… You’ve grown a damn forest!
You’ve created processes that didn’t exist before you! Or you didn’t have the skill necessary to complete a task but now you do, and all of it was done to help an organization and build your own personal fulfillment in work and in life…
Being overwhelmed is definitely a symptom that needs to be addressed… but your longevity, your gratitude for waking up and having that opportunity needs to always be reinforced and never taken for granted.
This is a video by Simon Sinek. It’s geared towards millennials, but I see it as something that can affect us all. It really shines a light on having that fulfillment and how important even the smallest details in our lives can be.
P.S. Our overwhelmed friend had a few days off, and he’s back in the saddle doing the amazing work he is known to do.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Make Your Choice – Follow your dreams or Don’t
Having Doubts – Motivational Monday
“I don’t think it’s going to work…”
“I don’t think I can do this…”
“I never should have even started this…”
“Why can’t this be easier?”
Ever heard any of these?
Where did you hear it? I’ll bet that whenever you hear these words, they put you in a bad mood. They cause you to question where you are at in your life. You start to question your existence and what even matters…
I’ll bet that 99% of the time, it’s only you. It’s only your voice questioning your attempts at a better life.
Guess what: They will never go away.
Doubt will always be there, trying to pry into your life and stop you from taking action. It’s amazing to see how people will beat themselves into submission before anyone else has a chance to even try.
You have a choice.
We accept that the negative voice will always be there, but what do we do about it? Are you going to quit? When I started Network Marketing, I sucked, and I sucked for 5 long years before I finally started to gain traction and make a name for myself.
For 5 years I listened to these ideas…
Every. Single. Day.
Every. Single. Call.
But I always made a choice to push forward.
Making Negativity into Positivity
When the doubt-alarm would go off, that I was wasting my time and that I could not be successful, I smiled. A quick inner dialogue to say “Oh yeah? But what if I keep doing this, what will my life be like when I strike gold and make an amazing life?”
You will always have a choice – Listen to your self-doubt and become an easy-quitter, or be courageous enough to fight for your future.
P.S. You can do it.
This video is an amazing interpretation of how you will always be your greatest enemy or your greatest motivation.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Matt Morris
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You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
Restless and Unsatisfied – Motivational Monday
I wanted to change up Motivational Monday this week for those who are feeling restless and unsatisfied with their daily lives. I hope it’s not you. I hope you don’t hate your drive to work every morning, get lost in a sea of cubicles, or even don’t have the chance to look forward to going home. I want this post to reach out to anyone who is not fulfilled from dawn to dusk.
This blog post is a message to those who don’t have complete satisfaction with their daily routine. It’s a simple message, one that you’ve probably had many times before, but is lost in the white noise of a busy, boring day.
If you feel restless and unsatisfied, a new life is always one step away. You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
On your drive to work – You can listen to chatter on the radio, or you can start learning a language or listening to a podcast – something that will improve your value and exercise your mind.
If you’ve been thinking about starting a business; Yeah it’s great to think about, but sit down and write it out. Move the needle instead of playing the same note over and over again. Make Progress.
Maybe you’ve been wanting to share your story with others – start writing your book or posting to social media. As soon as the pen hits the paper, you’ve taken the first step – You’ve begun the process
Instead of plopping down on the couch as soon as you walk in the door, change into something comfortable and go for a walk.
Life’s greatest achievements are built on the smallest steps.
You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Matt Morris
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Enjoy life, even on a rocky and broken path
Life is too Short to Suffer – Motivational Monday
Life is too short to suffer.
If your stress is so powerful its time to let it go. What are those thoughts?
Are you worried about your children and their future? Does the number in your bank account not make you feel safe and secure? Is something broken, and you really need to fix it, but you don’t know where to start?
We all have these same exact thoughts and issues. No, it doesn’t make them any less meaningful or less powerful to each person. Your issues are not insignificant because someone else has them, in fact, its the opposite.
Humans, with our survival mind in a modern world, suffer from very similar issues.It’s about how we begin to help ourselves be relieved of the suffering and live in a beautiful state of mind. It’s about the people we reach out to, the resources we use for our success, and the mindset we carry every single day.
Life is too short to suffer.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Don’t seek validation. Find happiness in your own actions.
Can’t Stop Caring About What Others Think – Motivational Monday
This post is meant to provide value – consistent value. Something you can read, relate to, take away, and use in your everyday life. The type of life lessons and tips in life that make achieving your goals easier. Better yet, the type of value that helps make everyday life more enjoyable.
If someone were to reach out and say “Matt, I really don’t think you should post anymore. It’s too risky. Is it really worth your time?” I don’t think I would even register it. I feel satisfied when those who read and find helpful information come back and say “I needed that today.”, or that it helped even in the slightest way.
The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.
I meet prospects all that time that doubt network marketing. It’s an industry that thrives on work ethic and the ability to move forward, no matter who says otherwise.
People will see you fail and, instead of supporting you, they will try to nail it home that you can’t do what you love. They care more about you being average than being extraordinary.
You have to stop caring about what other people think. Live life doing the things that you love and don’t have any regrets about that.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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What Does a Leader Do? – Motivational Monday
Leaders only have one thing – followers. People follow because they agree with an opinion or a goal.
Leaders are simply people with opinions who point in a direction and say “That’s where I think we should go. That’s where success lies.” Not only do they point, but they begin to move. They will stand up in a crowd and begin making plans and taking action on how to get from where they are now to their desired destination. Everything that they create is a product of their ability to work towards their goal. If a leader does not have something, they reach out into the universe until they have what they are looking for. They cannot stop because they don’t have something.
A leader sees obstacles as opportunities. There is no negativity, only objectivity. Behind every obstacle, behind every great wall, is a treasure worth fighting for. They have to be creative and ambitious for every challenge they face.
Leaders simply have a goal and the will to get there.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Matt Morris
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Big Goals in 2019 – Motivational Monday
This is your year to become healthy and whole. This is your year to meet the people of your dreams, to go further into a new level of your career and accomplish dreams. 2019 is new grounds for amazing achievements and transformative thinking. It’s a positive year, and everyday is a positive day. No matter what negativity and delusion life may throw your way, that will never stop you from becoming who YOU want to be.
Today is an opportunity to better yourself, an opportunity to work hard and see the fruit of your labor. We sacrifice today for our great future.
We’re a month into 2019. and if you had an outside view of yourself; to sit across the table and take a good hard look at what you’ve done, would you meet your expectations?
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post Big Goals in 2019 – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris
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Passion Will Multiply Your Value – Motivational Monday
See if you can find some ways to multiply your value to the marketplace, and your income should immediately start to change.
If you go through life holding back, and most people do… Most people, if we ask ourselves “Have we done all we can do?” Most will answer “No We Haven’t.” There are ideas that people don’t act on, things we are afraid to do, afraid to take chances, go through life and try to seek security and no go outside of our comfort zone… We try to take security with us to the Grave…
There is great value in security… You can raise a family, but they’ll struggle just as you have.
Maybe get good payments on a car, but you’ll never cruise down the highway in your dream vehicle.
You can pay off college debt, but it’s going to be many years before the home get’s paid off.
That’s security. Low risk, Low Reward. True multiplication of value – the exponential explosion of emotional and financial wealth – is in finding your passion and doing everything to make sure that you follow that passion. I don’t wake up every morning and think about my car payment, I think about showing the world that I am the best in the business. Not only do I love every second of it; I love the things it has given to me and my family.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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Matt Morris
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Are You a Victim of Life, or The Master of it? – Motivational Monday
Take full ownership of your time, of your mind, and of your day. There are all kinds of challenges in life that will do their best to take you down – personally, they mean nothing. These huge ordeals in life that show up can look big and scary, they can have numbers attached to them that make you feel uncomfortable or some type of emotional baggage, but that’s just on the surface. Those problems are as deep as you let them be. It’s a decision to be audacious – to be loud and proud of how you handle these confrontations. To be so audacious that you analyze the issues and deal with them accordingly, instead of letting them affect you. That’s using your mind to control what precious energy you have every day. Overpowering your urge to over-react.
When I was living in my Honda, there came a point where the unexpected bills and more debt couldn’t phase me. I had decided that I was no longer a victim of my surroundings. If something needed my attention, that’s all it would get. Every problem I face gets a swift, logical kick in the ass…
Because I am the master of my life.
Are you?
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post Are You a Victim of Life, or The Master of it? – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
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Work like your life depends on it.
I Don’t Want to be Average – Motivational Monday
The capacity to strengthen and increase your hunger is the one common denominator amongst the most successful people. I believe that’s the single most important element that separates the quality of people’s lives. It’s not just the ability to have hunger, but to sustain it.
The super successful don’t stop once they hit their targets. They simply reset and go again. Anytime you stop reaching for massive success, the next thing, you start settling in, that’s when you start having problems.
The comfort zone is dangerous. When you’re comfortable, you are most dangerous. You should never feel comfortable. You should be happy, and dissatisfied. Most people are hungry to achieve a certain amount, make a certain amount of money, and then they get comfortable and relax, or they get a certain level of fitness and then they relax. But if you can find within yourself the part of you that you want more, you want more of yourself, you want to make a bigger difference, you want to do something more than there day is today and that you don’t get satisfied.
If anyone ever tells you, “Hey look, you know what? just be satisfied with what you’ve got.” Don’t believe them, get them away from you. Don’t believe them, get them away from you. You should never be satisfied with what you’ve got. Because the attempt to get more makes you into something better.
Only those who have given up on greatness, would settle for average. We often hear people say, “I just want to be comfortable.” Don’t let anybody tell you, “Hey man you know, you should just be happy with…” No.
That is very dangerous to consider the idea of comfort. Such comfort mentality is what sets entrepreneurs and businesses apart. It’s what makes people great, is saying, “I don’t want to be average.”
If you don’t grow, you’re dying. If you do not expand your business, expand your family, expand your life, if you don’t push to grow, you’re dying. And what you have will be taken. You should double your business. Triple it. I’m trying to tell you something, that its true, and it’s true for me and it’s true for you, you can get anything you want. Be obsessed over your future, be consumed by the possibilities. The ambitious should never apologize, for the only people that criticize them are the people that have given up. Get excited, be excited, stay excited, and never settle.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
The post I Don’t Want to be Average – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.
Matt Morris