Logging on For a Living

Logging on For a Living

More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that to be on the internet can mean serious business opportunities for those who are switched on and prepared to do the necessary work. In times gone past getting set up in business was a lengthy process that would almost invariably require some hefty investment up front simply to get started. Now, all you need is a computer, an internet connection and an idea. The rest is simply a matter of following some uncomplicated steps and putting your plans into action. You can have an idea one day and be up and running within twenty four hours if you have the drive to make it happen.

Before the internet opened things up so much, a business would generally require premises from which to operate. Even if you ran the business from your home, this would make it more complicated as it would involve having your business life intrude heavily on your home life with little separation between the two. Now, all business can be routed through your computer – using e-mail, PayPal and some simple, user friendly websites (such as a blogging platform) – and the rest of your home can stay just as it is. The only concern that you need to have is how you are going to make it pay – but that is no different from any business, and there is no such thing as free money. What there is, thanks to the internet, is a world of business that is simpler and more transparent than it ever was before.

Sales Funnel Tips: The Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

Sales Funnel Tips: The Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

For about as long as people have been selling products, they’ve been thinking about where to find customers and how to reach them. The classic sales and marketing funnels date back to the late 1800s and provide a simple metaphor to think about the path a customer takes on the way to purchase.

Building a sales funnel is like building something from lego pieces. You have this set of pieces and you just have to connect them together.

The building blocks of a sales funnel is a model of how to take a visitor from prospect to customer. It can also be used as a starting point in building a journey map.

Building Blocks Of An Online Sales Funnel

The building blocks have 4 categories – a few of them for each step of the customer journey:

Pre-frame bridge


You can see many of them on all of the internet, especially on Facebook. Why quizzes are great is because you can ask for an email address in exchange for the result. You can also put viewers into different segments (funnels), depending on their answers. Quizzes give quick results. People love quick results.

Blog articles

They are great for cold traffic resulting from an ad or a google search. Most likely they will work better if they are placed on a third-party website. they are good to pre-frame any topic. For example, compare existing solutions on the market with an explanation of why your solution is better.

News website

The news tends to grab more attention than other non-news information. The downside is that they have a shorter life, but usually, it’s worth writing to them.


They are great for pre-framing material, such as testimonials. You can use them to educate viewers. As with every other element, don’t forget about a strong call-to-action.


Pre-framing via email works well if you’re using JV partners to endorse you or buy a solo ad.

Bridge pages

These are great when wanting to educate people and give them background information. These pages have a call-to-action leading to the product page. These are also known as pre-sell pages. Connecting the visitor from the landing page to the sales page.

Qualifying subscribers


This element is kind of obsolete now, but it still has some use in special circumstances.

Squeeze page

This is a very simple page that looks like a popup, where the user has only two choices – give their email address to go forward or leave the page. They are very effective.

Squeeze pop

These are like squeeze pages, but you can place them in many places on the same page.

Free plus shipping, two-step form

In the first step, the user is asked for an email with some personal information. In the second step, he is asked to pay for the shipping. So, we have two steps in one form – qualifying subscribers and qualifying buyers.

Webinar registration

Free webinars are great to generate leads. Also, take them to the next step in the sale process.

Free account

It works very well with software and membership programs. Where the user can sign up for a free trial and if it’s something they see using, they will upgrade to a paid subscription.

Exit pop

Once people want to leave your site show them a popup with a great headline. This is the last chance to get their email address before they leave your site.

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Qualifying buyers

Free plus shipping offer

This is my favorite way to qualify buyers. This way they are willing to pay for a


A very low-cost trial offer is also a great way to qualify buyers.


You can offer one part of your product for a very small price – like seven dollars.

Self-liquidating offers (SLO)

Some of your offers, like free-plus-shipping, may lose you money, this offer will help you get your money back. It’s a more expensive one, between $ 37-$ 97 dollars. People need a strong bond with your Attractive Character to buy these types of products.

Straight sale

A regular sale with one of your high-ticket items (between $ 97-$ 5,000 dollars or higher).

Identify hyperactive buyers

One-time offers

Usually, these are additional offers that complete the value of the initial one.


When a buyer refuses your one-time offer, you can try to sell them a regular payment plan version.

Affiliate recommendation

When the buyer finishes all the purchasing steps and is on the “thank you” page, you can link him to other offers he might be interested in.

Final thoughts

Most of the time, the very first funnel you build may not make you profitable. In fact, the goal of your first funnel is to acquire customers and to breakeven.

As you get better at this, you will come across several new strategies and techniques to filter more people through your business.

You have made it to the end. By “end”, I really mean the beginning. Now that you’ve gone through the concept and the recipe, you’re ready to build your own sales funnel.

Nate Leung

The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online

The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online

The question that is on everyone’s mind, do you really need good content?

Content marketing is the intersection of advertising and publishing. When you create great content you create value.

The forms of great content come from education, inspiration or entertainment. These are the three values you need to bring to the table when it comes to creating content. This applies to your blog, social media or videos. Keep that in mind as you’re creating content for your audience.

When you create value, you will create an audience. When there is an audience, people gravitate towards value.

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When there is an audience, you can advertise!

To build your online business, and nurture prospect/customer relationships the right way, you must deliver “value in advance.” Content is how you do just that.

It’s important to know how to craft and execute a content strategy that utilizes social media, a blog, or YouTube videos. Using these high-yield strategies, you’ll spread your brand’s message to new audiences and existing prospects alike, by providing genuine value in advance.

Pretty simple, right? Let’s not overcomplicate it.

The content marketing strategy

The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online

Say you have people driving up the freeways you have some advertising on the billboards and make no mistake this is every effect. Any place you are finding an audience (or group of people), you’re more than likely to find a platform to advertise on.

Here is how it works online. Facebook for example which has over 3 billion people and 1.2 daily active users. They created a massive audience on their platform. Now, because there is an audience, now they can sell advertising as their business model.

The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online 2

Any place you can find an audience, you can find advertising. Here is another extreme example. If you ever been to a sporting event, obviously there is an audience there and you can advertise to that audience when they use the restroom.

The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online 3

When you create an audience, you can advertise, and when you advertise you are driving awareness for your mission, product, or service. You can advertise all day long.

When you have awareness, you have the possibility of making sales. To make sales, you need to create great value.

The reverse is true as well. If you create poor content, you create no value. No value = no audience.

It doesn’t educate, it doesn’t inspire and certainly doesn’t entertain.

The thing to keep in mind is that creating great content isn’t enough. Great content is table stakes. You have to come to the table with great content.

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The perfect customer avatar

There are specific ways to really hone in on who this person is:

  • Basic demographics:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Ethnicity
    • Education level
    • Geographic location
    • Relationship status
    • Household income
  • Psychographics: Personality, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyle
    • What’s their personality like?
    • What are their 5 core values?
    • What are their hobbies?
    • What do they do for fun?
    • Do they have any favorite products?
    • Are they a mobile, desktop, or tablet person?
  • Biographics:
    • What industry are they currently in?
    • What’s their occupation?
  • Motivations
    • What are their main needs in their life?
    • What are the challenges they’re currently facing, or roadblocks they’re hitting?
    • What’s their #1 personal life goal / #1 professional goal?
    • What are their top 3 fears about starting an internet business?
  • Buyer Modality
    • Competitive: Competitive buyers want to perform smart, quick, and decisive actions as a competitive advantage.
    • Methodical: Methodical buyers review all technical information to assure themselves they’re making the right choice.
    • Spontaneous: Spontaneous buyers enjoy the thrill of a quick purchase and the perceived emotional benefit that it will generate.
    • Humanistic: Humanistic buyers are also motivated by emotion, but want to understand more about the organization they’re buying from and the individuals who comprise the organization.

In this video, I’m going to share the exact steps in how I figured out how to understand my customer avatar.

The customer value journey

When there is no awareness, there is no desire for a customer to purchase a product or service. The goal is to drive engagement and getting the perfect avatar to raise their hand and say, “I’m interested”.

This is what we call the “left turn” method, starting with awareness can you can see below. Having a lot of great content is great, but if you are not leveraging great content to make sales, building your list, taking them through a sales funnel, it’s a waste of time.

Customer Journey

The “Content Baton”

Using content to move the customer to the next stage in the customer journey. When you create content, you’re driving awareness and the perfect avatar is becoming an avatar that your product or service exists. This creates value and there is an audience around the piece of content that you create.

Because you have created an audience, you can advertise in the next step of the customer journey.

Customer Journey 1

If you fail to provide the next step in the customer journey, it’s not just bad marketing but it’s also bad user experience.

Let’s take a look at Wayfair. They have an awesome blog for those new looking to buy furniture and home-goods. They have a great piece of content and below the piece of content, if the visitor wants to buy something, that is considered to be the next step.


Nate Leung

How To Build Your Best Online Business

How To Build Your Best Online Business

From an outsider looking in, it may seem daunting and impossible to start your own business.

It’s not.

Plenty of people with lesser skill sets, resources and time, from all walks of life and of all ages have gone to live the life they’ve always dreamed of by simply putting one foot in front of the other. Like anything, entrepreneurship can be a taught and learned skill.

Remember the time when you learned how to ride a bike?

In the beginning, it wasn’t easy right? Unless you had an adult helping you while you pedal. The most challenging part about riding a bike is balancing and braking. Building a business is no different.

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In the online marketing world, there is no such thing as an overnight success.

It takes time, patience, persistence – and, yes – it takes hard work.

Although I do not believe you can build a successful, profitable, or sustainable online business overnight – I do believe you can build your dream business in as little as 12 months or less.

In this video, I share the essential ingredients of building your dream online business and the qualities that all students have in common.

I explain how getting clear on your vision and a business idea can impact the success of building your dream business and the importance of planning, marketing, and launching your ideas into the market.

I also share how your mindset impacts your ability to achieve your goals and dreams as well as strategies to help you stay focused on your goals and avoid shiny-object syndrome.

Nate Leung

The 6-Figure Funnel That I Use In My Online Business

The 6-Figure Funnel That I Use In My Online Business

Everyone who has an online business needs to create a sales funnel in order to convert his website visitors into paying customers.

If you fail to do that, you will hardly make any money.

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a marketing concept that maps out the journey a customer goes through when making any kind of purchase. The model uses a funnel as an analogy because a large number of potential customers may begin at the top-end of the sales process, but only a fraction of these people actually end up making a purchase.

The sales funnel is one of the most fundamental concepts in sales and marketing. The top of the funnel signifies the goal of every business — to generate as many leads as possible — while the narrow bottom reflects how many of those leads are converted to customers by the end of the sales process.

Stages of a sales funnel can vary, but a traditional model follows these phases:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

Successful businesses don’t just make sales here and there. They make sales consistently and with high enough volume that they can comfortably hire full-time employees. They know that despite having regular expenses, they are going to be profitable.

So how do they do it?

In this video, I will be showing you what sales funnels are, the stages of a sales funnel and examples of how I use sales funnels to achieve consistent growth and predictable revenue.

Nate Leung

How To Create A Facebook Ads System To Grow An Online Business

How To Create A Facebook Ads System To Grow An Online Business

Facebook continues to be the reigning champ of social media sites, as the #1 spot where friends connect and share online. More than just a meeting place for friends, Facebook has grown into a venue for businesses to market themselves through interaction with customers and self-promotion.

Everyone is using Facebook these days. There are over 2.2 billion active daily users.

The ‘population’ of Facebook is massive!

No wonder businesses all want to use it to promote their products and services.

The problem is, 62% of small businesses feel like their paid Facebook Ads are failing.

No one wants to be throwing money at ads that don’t work! What good is such a massive pool of potential customers if you can’t successfully reach them?

Thankfully, there are ways to fix this problem. You don’t have to be part of that 62%!

In this video, I’m going to show you how to create a system within Facebook to grow your online business.

Nate Leung

How The Big Marketers Are Crushing It Online

How The Big Marketers Are Crushing It Online

A lot of people make affiliate marketing sound like rocket science. Worst yet, the gurus make affiliate marketing sound easy.

It’s a simple business but not easy. I’m not saying it’s hard either.

This is why some don’t bother to do their research; they think it’s only for the internet-marketing-savvy.

Even with just basic knowledge of how it works can get you can start driving traffic to an offer within 24 hours.

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Successful Affiliate Marketing Requires Patience

First off, I’d like to make one thing clear: Affiliate Marketing is not easy money, no matter how easy the guru’s make it sound.

You won’t succeed at it overnight. It’s a money-making strategy for the patient and determined. And if you really want to get it right, you’ll need to learn a little math.

Affiliate marketing is a thriving industry and will continue to grow bigger for years to come. Choosing the right affiliate business model, understanding the importance of your audience, and plain old hard work is what going to ensure your success as an affiliate.

So what is the magic formula you ask?

In a nutshell, it’s where you (the affiliate marketer) promote a product or service that can be tracked via links, that’s unique to you. You then earn a portion of the revenue when a sale happens through your unique link.

The idea behind it is that you promote other people’s products, often through an affiliate network, earning a commission if people actually end up buying thanks to your marketing.

It’s based on revenue sharing. If you have a product and want to sell more, you can offer promoters a financial incentive through an affiliate program. If you have no product and want to make money, then you can promote a product that you feel has value and earn an income from it as an affiliate marketer.

In this video, I will show you the exact model that most of the big marketers are doing to crush it online. If you follow the steps that I’ve laid out, and you too will crush it in the affiliate marketing space. It’s a lot simpler than you think. 😉

Nate Leung

How Much Does It Cost To Start An Online Business?

How Much Does It Cost To Start An Online Business?

So, you want to start an online business, eh? 😊

Starting a business on the internet can be relatively simple and affordable, but some expenses are necessary.

To start an online business, you’ll typically start out with a whole lot of ideas and not a clue what to do with them.

Starting an online business can mean significantly lower start-up costs compared to a brick and mortar store. But don’t be fooled, it is not free and a plan and budget are essential for success.

You might have the best idea in the world for your website but don’t have a solid plan on the “how” quite yet.

There are many costs associated with starting up an online business, and also considering your options for working from home. Depending on the type of business you want to start and how and where you would like to set all of this up, your startup costs can heavily vary.

There are tools that I use on a daily basis. All of my tools have been well researched and tested. If I don’t recommend a tool, then it’s not on my list. You can check it out here.

Take some time to put a plan together. Here are some planning points to consider. Remember that the business plan does not have to be complex and it is a continual process. That means that the plan will change and improve with age and experience.

  • Make sure you know your market – who is going to buy your product? Who is your customer avatar?
  • Multi-channels to market (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Blog) – proven to improve results up to 400%
  • Integrate the client experience – Are you giving your visitor what they need? Are you solving their problems?
  • How you will deal with
    • Content – where will you get content and images
    • Pricing & inventory – what are the competitive issue
    • Logistics – getting the product to your client
    • Service & support – how to service your customers
    • Payment & refund/returns – handling of payments and what methods to accept
    • Security & Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliance
  • Easy-to-use purchase process
  • Marketing campaigns and requirements (including search engine marketing or paid ads)
  • Prepare a social media plan

With all of this in mind, let’s take a deep dive into what you will need to dish up some money for, and how much you can expect to pay for these necessities.

In this video, we’ll take a look at the typical startup costs associated with an online business.

Nate Leung

How To Start An Online Business With No Money

How To Start An Online Business With No Money

The internet is the great equalizer. In business specifically, it has leveled the playing field.

Anyone can start a money-making online business—anyone with a computer, that is.

But here’s the thing: virtually no technical experience is needed.

Today there are plenty of tools you can use to build an online business that makes the technical work a lot easier than it was in the past.

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You can also live anywhere you want, set your own schedule, and work as little or as much as you want, depending on how fast or big you want your business to grow.

No business or marketing experience is needed either. It’s a truly democratic medium for entrepreneurship.

Starting an online business is just like preparing a dish. If you follow a proven recipe, the dish will be delicious. It does not matter who is doing the cooking.

With an online business, all you have to do is follow the five steps outlined above. This system works until proven otherwise and it will not fail you.

In this video, I will share with you how you don’t need any money to start making money online.

Here are the resources mentioned in the video:

Nate Leung

How To Use Fiverr To Start An Online Business

How To Use Fiverr To Start An Online Business

It is possible to start an online business if you have absolutely no experience in how to set one up?

There are many outlets that you can start a business from but today I will speak about using Fiverr as your platform.

If you’re building or starting a business, then Fiverr is an excellent resource to get some of the time-consuming, and technical work done. 

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a global online marketplace that offers tasks and services beginning at a cost of $ 5 for a job performed.

Fiverr’s platform revolves primarily around “gigs,” meaning that the services sold are typically a one-time job; however, the website also offers the opportunity to create “milestone” deliveries, meaning that you could retain a Fiverr seller for multiple projects or steps of a larger project. 

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Use Fiverr to Start Your Own Lifestyle Business

You can use Fiverr gigs to get all of the services done for your company. What kind of business you set up is up to you. Do what you are most passionate about.

If you’re wondering what you could do, just go to Fiverr and check out what people are selling. It’s crazy how many different kinds of gigs there are!

Scroll through all of the different categories and start brainstorming what you could offer.

Then think about what you already know, the people you already know, and your own experience.

Based on all of that information, there will for sure be a business idea that you could run with.

In this video, I am going to show you how a person with no experience can start their first online business.

Nate Leung

Discover The Fastest Way To Earn $1,000 Online

Discover The Fastest Way To Earn $1,000 Online

What would an extra $ 1,000 per month mean to you?

For many people, it could:

  • Cover your rent
  • Allow you to leave a job and stay home with your kids
  • Accelerate your debt payoff
  • Allow you save and invest more

Making an extra $ 1,000 per month can have a huge impact in several different ways, and it’s more attainable than you might think. Even if you already have a full-time job, there are a number of things you can do in your spare time that will give you a chance to make that much each and every month.

In this video, we’ll look at the different options that are flexible and offer high enough income potential to reach the goal of $ 1,000 per month part-time.

Nate Leung

Launch Jacking To Earn Affiliate Marketing Income Online

Launch Jacking To Earn Affiliate Marketing Income Online

In recent years, product launch jacking has become a popular strategy to make money online.

Hundreds of internet marketing products are launched every month!

Not only internet marketing niche but every niche witness new products regularly.

This strategy is used by affiliates every day.

With the help of this and some important researches, they find profitable affiliate products that are in their launching phase.

This method is pretty simple and known as product launch jacking.

Launch Jacking is a starting method for anyone looking to start making money online and start your own online business.

Its a foundation for affiliate marketing which can later lead on to more advanced affiliate marketing strategies.

In this video, I will break down how you how to find a product that is launching soon on platforms such as JVZoo, ClickBank and WarriorPlus and promoting them before they launch.

This way you can get your reviews up and ready before the launch and beat your competition.

Nate Leung


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