Lessons For Success: Stop Making Excuses!

Lessons For Success: Stop Making Excuses!

Lessons For Success: Stop Making Excuses

Excuses are one of the biggest factors to why you are not succeeding in business.

Excuses are a huge contributing factor to why you’re not succeeding in business

If you’re not doing what you know you should like…

Eating right…

Making the call…

Working on the project…

Going to the gym…

You’re making excuses.

What happens is, unless we have the awareness to call an excuse what it really is, we let those excuses rob us of our success.

These excuses cause us and allow us to not take action.

I these excuses all the time:

“Matt, I don’t speak as well as you do”

You don’t need to speak as I do…

You need to speak as you do!

I sucked when I first started doing videos and speaking on stage.

I was terrible!

The more I practiced…

The better I got.

“Matt, I don’t have time!”


You make time for whatever priorities you have in your life.

What are our excuses really saying about us?

They’re saying, “I’m a little bitch!”.

“I’m too fearful to do a video.”

“What if nobody watches my videos?”

What am I going to do to overcome the fact that I’m a little bitch?

Because I don’t want to be one…

I want to be strong…



I want to continually break out of my comfort zone so that even if I suck really bad, I will eventually get good.

The only way to get good at something is to stop making excuses and suck at it…

At least for a little bit.

If your excuse is…

“I don’t know how!”

That just means you’re a lazy bitch.

Do you want to continue being a lazy bitch?


Go do something and figure it out.

Get leverage on yourself and create powerful reasons to not be a lazy ass.

How to get leverage on yourself to stop making excuses

Ask yourself:

What’s going to happen over the next year, five years, ten years, twenty years if I continue being a lazy sack of shit?

What are the negative consequences?

Am I okay with the negative consequences?

The excuse we often make is because we are fearful.

I know this because

I used to be the guy to always make excuses

I’ve been the procrastinator…

the fearful little bitch.

A person who can’t seem to get through his fears and self-doubts.

But I figured out how to get leverage and set some goals.

Not just yearly goals.

Not just monthly goals or weekly goals…

But daily goals.

If I don’t hold true to my daily commitments…

It means I care more about my little precious feelings than giving value to other people and making a difference in people’s lives.

The reason why I was able to break through and have success in network marketing is that I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I created enough positive reasons to take action and enough negative consequences to get over the things I was fearing.

An excuse is a justification of holding on to our fears. A justification to stay in our comfort zone.

Call it what it is.

Identify what the real reason is and tackle it.

Attack it.

Create positive reasons to take action now, and negative consequences if you don’t.

Go make it happen.

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

Take care.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire


The post Lessons For Success: Stop Making Excuses! appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

Can’t Stop Caring About What Others Think – Motivational Monday

7 first

Don’t seek validation. Find happiness in your own actions.

Can’t Stop Caring About What Others Think – Motivational Monday

This post is meant to provide value – consistent value. Something you can read, relate to, take away, and use in your everyday life. The type of life lessons and tips in life that make achieving your goals easier. Better yet, the type of value that helps make everyday life more enjoyable.

If someone were to reach out and say “Matt, I really don’t think you should post anymore. It’s too risky. Is it really worth your time?” I don’t think I would even register it. I feel satisfied when those who read and find helpful information come back and say “I needed that today.”, or that it helped even in the slightest way.

The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.

I meet prospects all that time that doubt network marketing. It’s an industry that thrives on work ethic and the ability to move forward, no matter who says otherwise.

People will see you fail and, instead of supporting you, they will try to nail it home that you can’t do what you love. They care more about you being average than being extraordinary.

You have to stop caring about what other people think. Live life doing the things that you love and don’t have any regrets about that.



Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author

The post Can’t Stop Caring About What Others Think – Motivational Monday appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris


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