How To Close More Sales In Network Marketing

How To Close More Sales In Network Marketing

How To Close A Sale In Network Marketing

The 7 Key Fundamentals that teach you how to close more sales in network marketing

How to close a sale in network marketing

The reason I’ve been able to recruit powerful leaders that have led to over 1 million customers and $ 2 billion in sales over the past 3 years is that I sucked at closing sales in network marketing…

I sucked so bad that I HAD to get good at it.

I’ve discovered some 7-key fundamentals along the way that have allowed me to close more sales in network marketing…

Which led to ultimate time and money freedom.

In order to build a tall building, there must be a deep foundation.

Let’s start building our foundation…

Have fun in the process

This is something I commit to doing every time…


When you’re not having fun, your prospect isn’t having fun.

However, when you’re smiling, laughing, and genuinely having a good time…

Your prospect is more likely to be having a great time with you and associate that “good time” with your opportunity.

Not only is having fun effective, but it’s a must for the next fundamental…

Fall in love with the process of closing sales in network marketing

I used to be super nervous…

Scared of rejection…

Fearful of what people might think…

And I would have massive anxiety towards the last minute of the presentation.

I hated it!

Closing sucked for me because I was so nervous all the time.

I had to rewire my brain to fall in love with closing.


Once you reprogram your brain to get excited, treat it like a game, and love the process of closing…

Your closing numbers will go up drastically.

Show your prospect how to feel when closing

People buy with emotion then justify later with logic.

You may have all the cool benefits and features, but that’s NOT what gets people to sign up.

Lead with emotion.

People will be more drawn to you if they feel like you’re excited and passionate.

Assume the sale!

Assume they’re ready to get started!

Don’t just show someone the business…

Assume you’re about to launch a HUGE team with this person.

I used to use an old school method back in the day where I would bring the application already filled out with as much information as I knew about that individual.

As soon as the presentation was over…

I would say, “Now what was your phone number?”

It was so funny because most of the time they would say, “am I really doing this?”.


Now, that’s an old school method and I don’t recommend it today…

But you get the point.

Answer these questions during your presentation

Every prospect has 3 questions they will never ask you, but are subconsciously thinking…

  1. Does It Work?
  2. Can I Do It?
  3. Will You Help Me?

Answering these questions throughout the presentations will limit the objections & limiting beliefs they have, therefore, leading to YOU closing more sales.

Close early and close often

When the presentation is over…

Don’t go into salesmanship mode!

Go for the close.

Closing often means if they have objections… answer those objections… then close again!

Be sold on your products and services

Be passionate about what you’re selling.

If you’re not…

Go sell something else!

Be so passionate and sold on your own product that you feel you are doing them a disservice by not having your product/service!

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

Take care.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post How To Close More Sales In Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

How To Overcome Objections In Network Marketing

How To Overcome Objections In Network Marketing


The 3-Step Framework For Overcoming Objections In Network Marketing

How To Overcome Objections In Network Marketing

After building an organization of over 1 million customers and closing thousands of people…

Objections are going to come up.

I’m going to arm you a 3-step framework that teaches you how to overcome objections in network marketing.

You’ll know exactly what to say so you don’t crumble when the objection presents itself…

So you don’t come across as needy…

And so you can maintain a posture that your prospect needs YOU more than you need them.

Step 1: Validate The Objection

Make sure the objection is real!

Many people say, “I’m sorry, I don’t have the money.” as a polite way of saying no.

We must uncover if this objection is valid.

What To Say: 

Money Objection – “Hey Mary, be real with me… Is it you really don’t have the money or is this a polite way of saying no?”

You’re validating that her objection was REAL.

If she says “no”…

Instead of challenging her… Let her know you’re just here to help.

“I’m totally cool either way, I just want to help you.”

Sometimes the timing isn’t right…

If you don’t challenge your prospect and help them instead…

When the timing is right, they’ll come back to you.

Step 2: Confirm Desire

In this step, you’re getting them to sell YOU, instead of you trying to sell them.

What to say: 

You can say something like, “Tell me this, mary… Do you want financial freedom? Do you see an opportunity here?”

More than likely, your prospect will say “yes” to either one of these questions where you can then proceed to step 3.

Step 3: HELP!

Be a coach!

It is your responsibility to take your prospect from where they are to where they desire to be.

That’s what we do as leaders.

What to say: 

“Answer me this honestly, if I could sell you a Ferrari tomorrow for $ 1000 would you buy it?”

The answer will be “yes”.


Ask yourself the same question.

If you didn’t have $ 1000 but I offered you a $ 250,000 car for $ 1000… What would you do to come up with the money?

You’ll find a way.

“Well Listen, I think you’ll agree with me that you’re powerful enough to come up with the money. I’m guessing you realize that this company can be the financial vehicle that can take you where you want to go in life, but it’s going to require that you’re powerful enough to come up with the money. Do you think you’re powerful enough to get the money in 24-48 hours?”

If your prospect says no…

You don’t want them to be on your team anyway…

On to the next!

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

Take care.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post How To Overcome Objections In Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

Best Minds in Network Marketing Reveal Success Strategies

Best Minds in Network Marketing Reveal Success Strategies

Want the training necessary to ensure your success in network marketing?

Then you need to learn from the best minds in Network Marketing. It will change your determination, will, emotion and desire to succeed. There is no shortage of knowledge. The training, skills and tools shared are so powerful it will change your business forever.

Click here to learn the 75 Success Strategies from the world’s best thought leaders and network marketing professionals >>

(Limited time offer until 07/30/19)

The post Best Minds in Network Marketing Reveal Success Strategies appeared first on Network Marketing Pro.

Network Marketing Pro

Building Your Self-Confidence in How You Do Network Marketing

Building Your Self-Confidence in How You Do Network Marketing

Podcast Player Here What You’ll Discover In This Episode:The Solution to Building Your Self-Confidence in How You Do Network Marketing. Once you have this - ’confidence-solution’, it’s like finding a cure for a dying business.​​How flipping this one MENTAL-SWITCH can speed up your success in network marketing.The X-FACTOR for all SUCCESS in network marketing and how you can […]

The post Building Your Self-Confidence in How You Do Network Marketing appeared first on Todd Falcone.

Blog – Todd Falcone

How To Become a Top Leader In Network Marketing

How To Become a Top Leader In Network Marketing


How to become a top leader in network marketing

Becoming a top leader in network marketing is tough… especially if you’re the one doing all the work!

To understand if you’re on the right track to becoming a top leader in network marketing, we must ask one question:

Are you looking for a mentor or are you looking for a nanny?

Let me explain…

When I first got started with network marketing, I was completely dependent on my upline…

I would get off a conference call and if my upline wasn’t available for a 3-way call, I wouldn’t even try and close my prospect…

I’d say, “you know what? I really want you to talk to Steve or John” or whoever my upline was and I wouldn’t proceed without him getting on the phone to support me.

This led to me getting pissed off at my upline because if they weren’t answering their calls, I didn’t want to ask for the sale.

If I wasn’t asking for the sale without a support line…

Not only was I not making money…

…But do you think I looked like a top leader while needing support from my upline all the time?


Becoming a top leader in network marketing did NOT come naturally for me

Don’t rely on and base your business on having a “nanny” available to you 24/7…

You’re not a child

I had to get over that and I had to stop wanting this mysterious mentor who was going to be there 24/7 to help me close all my deals.

I was wanting a nanny!

So, have you been looking for a nanny, or have you been wanting a mentor?

Nanny or Mentor?

A mentor is someone who can kick your ass and tell you to stop being dependent on three-way phone calls.

If your upline is not available, do the presentation anyway!

You are good enough to close prospects yourself.

You don’t have to rely upon or use your upline as a crutch.

You’re never going to become powerful until you realize you are good enough.

You are…

Anything else is just a lie.

It’s just a matter of stepping up and actually doing it.

If you’re wanting to be a top leader in network marketing… are you being a mentor or are you being a nanny to your organization?

I see this so often…

When someone gets to a point where they’re having some success – and organization of 20-50 people – and they mother hen their group to death!

You’re doing everything for your group and never building any leadership…

Never building any confidence in your group and you’re seen as a crutch.

It’s good to be available for your team, but if your team is dependent on you to do 3-way calls all day…

You’re going to get burned out… quickly!

If your organization only grows if you’re doing all the work… You haven’t built leadership

You’ve built children.

You are a nanny…

Not a leader.

Empower your leaders to do things themselves…

To increase their confidence in their own abilities.

Tacts are powerful, but if their mindset is wrong, their tactics will never work.

Empower people by giving them the right belief, making them rise up to become a leader vs. staying a child forever.

Here’s a rule in leadership – as a leader, never do for someone what they’re capable of doing themselves.

Believe in other people more than they believe in themselves and sometimes that means they need a kick in the ass.

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

Take care.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post How To Become a Top Leader In Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession

How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession​​Is Network Marketing a Real Business?Are You Bold Enough to Be Successful in Network Marketing?​ 0 shares Share0 Tweet0 Share0 How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing ProfessionIn this training we’re going to ‘look under the hood’ […]

The post How to Build Your Belief Level in the Network Marketing Profession appeared first on Todd Falcone.

Blog – Todd Falcone

The Value of Promotion in Network Marketing

The Value of Promotion in Network Marketing

Promotion in Network Marketing

The value of the promotion is your attitude towards it and your promotion of the promotion.

The Value of Promotion in Network Marketing

I just got off a webinar with over a thousand people and maxed out the Zoom platform to roll out a promotion for our company, and the fact that myself and my other business partner did the promotion is a huge, huge lesson that I want to cover with you because whether you’ve got one person in your group, or you’ve got a million people in your group, you are a leader. And my biggest calling is rising up leaders in our profession.

If you’re in network marketing, chances are your company will run promotions from time to time. Maybe your up line is the one running the promotions. And I will tell you, as you start developing a team, you should be running promotions for certain things.

I’m not talking about any groundbreaking promotions. I’m talking about any promotion. It may be to sponsor one person this month and you get to go to a dinner.

That is one of the best promotions you can possibly run because it makes people feel special.

Maybe it’s you sponsor X amount of people and you make some money. Maybe it’s a 20% discount this month on your products and services, whatever it is.

Duplication of Leadership.

The key in leadership is not having a bunch of followers, it’s not just making a bunch of money, it’s helping other people rise as leaders.

Our real value in leadership is helping other people become leaders. That’s where the real duplication comes from. It’s always the duplication of leadership. It’s not necessarily the duplication of someone who goes out and gets one, then that person gets one, or two who gets two.

The real money is all in duplication of leadership.

It’s where financial freedom comes from. It’s where you can get to the point in network marketing where you can throw away your cell phone, never answer it again, and your income doesn’t skip a beat. You’re financially secure.

That’s what I want for you and that’s why I do these lessons.

The Value of Promotion

The value of any promotion is never just the promotion itself.

The value of the promotion is your attitude towards it and your promotion of the promotion.

Our company just rolled out a big promotion.

Now, if I want my check to go dramatically up and I want my leaders checks to go dramatically up, I have to follow this advice.

I can’t just rely on the promotion itself, no matter how good it is.

The people who follow my advice here are the ones who are going to capitalize on it the most.

You may get a little increase without doing this because the promotion is really good, but you’re going to get nowhere close to the total value that you can get from it if you don’t follow this advice.

Your Attitude Towards a Promotion

Number one is your attitude towards a promotion.

You have to be excited about the promotion if you want your team to be excited about it.

Let me explain behavioral psychology very briefly.

The way it works is if we want to have a lot of success in life, where does that come from? It comes from you and your team taking the right actions.

Where do actions come from? Actions come from feelings.

Your action is going to be based on your feelings. 

More importantly, in network marketing, this is a game of leadership.

You need your team to be excited. Your team will take more action is they’re excited, motivated, and confident.

You have to be excited, motivated, and transmit a level of certainty and confidence if you want your people to feel certainty and confidence.

Belief Comes from Programming

Actions follow feelings which follow belief and belief comes from programming.

Why did I do a webinar today with my buddy? I want to program my team to be excited.

I want to let them know I’m excited. I’m certain. I’m confident. I know this is going to be a game-changer, right?

If I want my team to have that certainty, I’ve got to transmit that certainty to them. That’s the attitude you need to have towards a promotion.

Within a few hours of our company rolling out this promotion, I did a big team webinar to announce it to everyone and promoted it because if I don’t promote it to my team and they don’t see me promoting it, guess what happens? They don’t promote it because they think it must not be that good.

Realize that no matter what the promotion is, you need to be excited about the promotion. You need to transmit that excitement and you need to promote the promotion.

If you don’t promote the promotion, you get a tiny value.

What happens is companies roll out a promotion and some leaders capitalize on it. It allows them to make way more money. Some leaders make a little bit more money and some leaders don’t make any more money.

What’s the difference? It’s the leader’s attitude in their promotion of the promotion. That’s it, my friends.

This is a simple but incredibly important lesson as leaders and is one that you cannot ignore. You cannot forget this.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, definitely share it with them and I always appreciate the comments so let me know what you got out of this.

If you want some more advanced training on leadership, hop over to And I’m going to give you some strategies on becoming a powerful leader and showing you how to recruit some powerful leaders as well.

If you’d like to learn about why you’re not selling in network marketing, check out this blog post.

Go make life an adventure.

Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about The Value of Promotions in Network Marketing.

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post The Value of Promotion in Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

How to Close Bigger Packages in Network Marketing

How to Close Bigger Packages in Network Marketing

What You’ll Discover In This Episode:The REAL REASON you want to close bigger packages in your network marketing business… this goes way beyond making a commission.​​WHY starting with a bigger package gives you an advantage to growing your business fast.How CLOSING bigger packages becomes much easier than closing small packages.​ 0 shares Share0 Tweet0 Share0 […]

The post How to Close Bigger Packages in Network Marketing appeared first on Todd Falcone.

Blog – Todd Falcone

Why You’re Not Selling in Network Marketing

Why You’re Not Selling in Network Marketing

Why You're Not Selling in Network Marketing

What holds people back from being successful and selling in network marketing, is the fear of rejection.

Why You’re Not Selling in Network Marketing

I would say the number one thing that holds people back from being successful, especially in network marketing, is the fear of rejection, being worried about what other people are going to say about you offering a product or service, or you’re shy about coming across as a salesperson, or the biggest thing is rejection hurts.

And when someone tells you no, somehow you take it personally.

I want to just give you some insight that I think might help you.

If you’re a leader in network marketing, you should take this message and use it for whatever products or services that you’re offering in whatever network marketing company that you are involved in.

Selling in Network Marketing is Your Obligation.

Here’s why I think it’s your obligation.

If you offer a product or service that seriously adds value to someone else, and you should not be offering a product or service that does not add value to someone else, then it’s your obligation to go hard, push hard, and follow up.

Do everything that you need to do to offer your product and service because it’s in their best interest, not yours.

I don’t know what product or service you’re offering. It could be a travel-related product, a health and nutrition product, or a skincare product. It could be personal coaching services, whatever it is.

But the reality is your prospect, whoever is out there that doesn’t know about your product, if you genuinely believe that product or service is in their best interest by owning it and by using it, then it’s in their best interest.

They don’t know it’s in their best interests because they don’t know what you know. It’s your obligation to educate them on your products and services and do whatever you can. Get as good as you possibly can.

Every day, watch one of my training videos or watch someone else’s training videos.

Educate yourself daily so you get the skills necessary to be able to close anyone who’s closable on purchasing your products or services.

Offering a Product

I offer a product that when people use this product, it gives them more fun, freedom, and fulfillment. It creates joy in their life.

Genuinely, if I’m offering my products and my services to someone, I feel like they lose in a massive way if they don’t own it.

If they don’t use my product, they are going to miss out. It’s a disservice to them, not to me.

It’s not a disservice to me because I’m going to find someone else to offer my products or services to. So, I don’t lose out. They do.

If They Say No…

If they say no, they lose. I don’t lose.

I’m not afraid of rejection and I’m not afraid of what people are going to say, think, or do. That’s on them.

If you’re in network marketing, you may offer a health and nutrition product where you know if they take your product, it’s going to make them healthier. Maybe it’s going to help them live a longer, more full and rich life.

I’ve been working out with my personal trainer for about four years now and my body is in way better shape. I’m much healthier. Had I not purchased his service, my life would not be as good as it is today.

If you’re a personal trainer, you owe it to the people in your life, the people who don’t even know you yet, to go hard on offering your products.

If you offer life coaching, and you can help people have more joy in their life, have more happiness, you owe it to them to go hard.

Stop being shy about offering your product because you’re afraid of rejection or afraid of what other people are going to say or think about you.

Go Hard!

It’s in their best interest so GO HARD!

If you’re not offering a product that’s in their best interest, find another product to offer.

Find something that you can get passionate about because as I said in my book, The Unemployed Millionaire, when you follow your passion, the money will come.

The reality is if you want to have a lot of success, whatever your marketing, you have to go hard. If you don’t go hard, you will never have success.

Give up right now if you don’t intend on going hard because it’s not going to work.

Why I can push a big vision and sell the vision of my product or service or my company, is because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, with 100 percent certainty, that their life is better if they take it.

That’s the attitude that you’ve got to take.

If you can’t get that attitude with your product or services, find a different product. It’s as simple as that.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share this blog.

I’ve got some more advanced training on leadership at where you’ll learn how to become a powerful leader, attract powerful leaders, and create some real time and money freedom.

If you’d like to learn about how to become a millionaire in network marketing, check out this blog post.

Go make life an adventure.

Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about Becoming a Millionaire in Network Marketing.

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post Why You’re Not Selling in Network Marketing appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate These 2 Letters

A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate These 2 Letters

The 2 Letters Great Network Marketers Can Appreciate

As a network marketer, you’ve got to learn to appreciate the noes.

The 2 Letters A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate

What are the two letters that hold you back from greatness as a network marketer?

I could probably say there’s a lot of different words that hold you back as a network marketer but I think this is the one word that more than anything else holds people back.

You can also say it’s a four letter word and that four letter word would be fear. It’s fear of someone saying the two letter word which is “no” or sometimes it’s, “You’re crazy. I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re never gonna make it. Those things don’t work.” Whatever it is.

If you can get over those two words, there’s no limit to the amount of success that you can have.

My Biggest Success as a Network Marketer

My biggest key to success, especially in the company that I’m in, is the fact that I’ve gotten a lot of noes.

I would say I’ve gotten about a thousand personal rejections.

I’ve sponsored a little over 300 people in the last 10 years. And I probably enroll one out of every three people that I give a presentation to so maybe it’s a little less than that.

That’s led to a lot.

I wouldn’t be living the life I have right now if I never got over those two words.

Last year I traveled to 27 different countries. I’ve traveled to over 80 countries total and have seen six out of the Seven Wonders of the world.

Get Over the “NO.”

You’re not going to care about all the noes people have told you when you’re traveling around the world.

When you’re buying your own dream lake house, you’re not going to care about that noes.

The noes will lead you to millions of dollars if you’re willing to go get enough noes.

It’s absolutely impossible to get all yeses. So, at most, you might get two, three, or four yeses in a row, but you’re also going to have to get noes.

You have to get noes to get the yeses. We earn a commission when the yes happens. So, follow my logic here.

Celebrate the no.

If you have to get the no in order to get the yes, then we get paid for the noes, too. You can’t get paid if you’re not willing to go through enough noes to get the yeses.

Set a goal for getting two noes a day.

That would be an amazing goal.

Go get two noes every single day from someone who has seen your presentation. I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t end up making a ton of money and isn’t living an amazing lifestyle. But you got to be willing to go get the no. And not just willing to get the no. Get excited about the no. Celebrate the no. Make it a goal of getting those.

Endless opportunities.

Because again, when you’re on the beaches of the world, you don’t care about the no.

When you’re climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with your buddies, you don’t care about the no.

As you’re taking your kids on exotic vacations on a regular basis, you don’t care about the no.

When you can afford to pay for private school for your kids, you don’t care about the no.

You don’t care about the no when you’re set for life financially,

You’re glad and grateful for the no.

Don’t feel bad or get upset when you get a no. If everyone said yes, there would be no opportunity. 

Stop wishing it were easier and start wishing you were better. Work towards getting better because again, companies would have no incentive to pay us a fortune for going out and building a big team if everyone said yes.

Be grateful that there’s a challenge because that’s where all the opportunity lies.

If you are looking for some advanced training, feel free to hop over to And if you’d like to learn about the 3 magic words for building rapport and getting people to like you, check out my blog post here. 

Go make life an adventure.

Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate These 2 Letters.

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate These 2 Letters appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing – The 2-Step Close

2 Step Close in Network Marketing Matt Morris

How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing

If you want to learn how to close a deal in Network Marketing, this is something that I absolutely have used a ton of times. I heard this for the first time from someone in my organization.

I was actually in her house, in her kitchen, and a three-way call came in. She talked to the person for a few minutes. She did the two-step close and it was like a hot knife through butter. They were in. And I was like WOW!

There’s a lot of genius behind this and that’s why I started implementing it.

One of the reasons why the two-step closed works so well is because it is an assumptive close. And if you understand closing, the more you can assume the close, the more likely you are to actually close the person and get them started.

Say someone has seen a presentation. They’ve watched a video. Maybe they were at a presentation, a home event, a hotel. Whatever it is.

Step 1:

Immediately after it’s over, you’re going to ask, “Awesome, right? What did you like best?”

You say this is because at the end of a presentation, your prospect likely doesn’t know exactly how to feel.

See, people feel based on how we feel. Part of being masterful in the closing process is getting someone excited. It’s a transfer of emotion and if you transfer no emotion of excitement, they’re unlikely to feel excitement.

Oftentimes, we rely on the presentation tool. We rely on the presenter but it’s so much more than the presentation. It’s so much more than the video.

It’s all about the energy that you transmit. If you transmit a lot of positive excited energy, guess what your prospect feels? Positive excited energy.

So, step one is: “Awesome, right? What’d you like best?” And then what happens?

They tell you. So, part of the power in asking someone what they like best is your eliciting a positive response.

You’re never going to ask “did you like it” because that’s a yes or no question. You’re assuming they liked it and what you’re doing is you’re accessing the part of their brain that’s searching for something they like.

Now, if you get a negative response back, that’s awesome because you know that’s probably not the person that you’re looking for.

A quick no is a good no.

The worst thing in the world is someone who doesn’t really say no, but they never say yes either, and they’re always on the fence. I want a quick yes or quick no. I love a quick no.

Put it in your mind that you love a quick no. The only way to get a lot of yeses is to also get a lot of noes so you’ve got to be okay with the noes. That’s another topic.

So, you’re going to ask them what they like best. They’re going to tell you what they like best, hopefully. When they tell you what they like best, here’s what you say…

Step 2 – “Sounds like you’re ready to get started.”

Then you shut up.

Now, there’s a key here. When you say “sounds like you’re ready to get started”, you don’t keep talking. You shut up.

It takes a person an average of about four to eight seconds to make a decision to spend several hundred dollars. It’s not long but it feels like an eternity because there’s a little bit of pressure and we’re kind of condition not to enjoy pressure.

So, when you ask, “sounds like you’re ready to get started”, you wait. It’s meant to be uncomfortable.

What causes people to make a decision is pressure.

The average salesperson will not allow more than two to three seconds of silence before they interrupt because they don’t like the pressure. However, the pressure is what causes people to take action.

By you not liking the pressure, it costs you the sale.

Change your mindset. Change your programming and decide that you love the pressure.

I had to do this myself. I turned it into a game. The game is “Ask the question and shut up.” And I’m not going to say a word. I don’t care if it’s 30 damn minutes. I’m just going to sit there.

“Sounds like you’re ready to get started” and I’ll keep doing that. I’ll just keep pausing.

And this is the key.

Two steps. Very, very simple.

I could give you a five, six, ten step closing process. Asking all these eloquent questions but hell, I can barely remember a five-step close. So, I certainly am not going to expect my organization to learn a five, six, seven-step close because it doesn’t duplicate.

In network marketing, even if I can train everyone on how to be this magical salesperson, that doesn’t duplicate.

I can’t train everyone how to do it but I can get some to learn the hypnotic sales skills.

I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars learning how to close like a master, and I can, but I don’t even use those anymore because I find that the people that I have to do all of this complicated closing process with, they’re not the ones that lead to huge organizations.

Simple works. Simple duplicates. Use this. Train this. Take my training and train your organization on it. If you want, you can even share this. You can just steal it.

Act like it’s yours. I don’t care.

Hopefully, you’ve got some value out of this and hope it helps you close a lot more sales.

More importantly, I hope it allows your organization to close a lot more sales because duplication is where it is all at.

If you want some more information, some advanced trading from me, hop over to and put your name and email address in to get some strategies on how to not only become a leader but recruit powerful leaders.

Everything we do in network marketing is all about leadership. Everything rises and falls based on leadership.

Recruiting leaders is where the multiplication happens.

Recruiting followers is only where the addition happens. Addition is painful.

Multiplication is fast and fun and it’s what leads to time and money freedom.

Go make life an adventure.

Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing.

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

The post How to Close a Deal in Network Marketing – The 2-Step Close appeared first on Matt Morris.

Matt Morris

What To Do With Flaky Network Marketing Reps

What To Do With Flaky Network Marketing Reps

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The post What To Do With Flaky Network Marketing Reps appeared first on Todd Falcone.

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